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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-24
Page range: 409-428
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New additions and further records of non-native Coleoptera in Romania

“Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History; Kiseleff Road no. 1; 011341 Bucharest; Romania; University of Bucharest; Faculty of Biology; Splaiul Independenței 91–95; Bucharest; R-050095; Romania
Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research on the Marine Environment and Marine Terrestrial Atmosphere; Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi; Prof. Dr. Ioan Borcea Marine Biological Station; Nicolae Titulescu str. no. 163; Agigea; Constanţa; Romania; Doctoral School of Biology; Faculty of Biology; “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași; Carol I Avenue; 20A; 700505 Iași; Romania
Romanian Academy; Calea Victoriei no. 125; 010071 Bucharest; Romania
Oceanographic Research and Marine Environment Protection Society "Oceanic-Club"; Decebal no. 41; 900674 Constanța; Romania
Department of Science; Roma Tre University; Viale G. Marconi 446; 00146 Rome; Italy
Coleoptera beetles biodiversity faunistic record synanthropic species


This report details the discovery of five new non-native Coleoptera species for the Romanian fauna: Cis chinensis Lawrence, 1991 (Ciidae), Latheticus oryzae C.O. Waterhouse, 1880, Palorus subdepressus (Wollaston, 1864), Tribolium destructor Uyttenboogaart, 1933 (Tenebrionidae), and Litargus balteatus LeConte, 1856 (Mycetophagidae). Furthermore, additional occurrences for 19 species whose data were deficient were provided. The identification of unrecorded alien species in a natural setting indicates that they are well established and warrant further monitoring to determine their current distribution at the national level and potential impact on the environment and human activities. This indicates the current extent of our understanding of the diversity of non-native coleopterans in Romania and emphasizes the necessity of further investigation into this group, with a particular focus on those species with the potential to become invasive.



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