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Type: Monograph
Published: 2025-01-30
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Checklist of Mammals of Syria

General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research; Deir ez-Zor; Syria
High Institute of Marine Research; Tishreen University; Latakia; Syria
Department of Biology; Jordan University of Science & Technology; Irbid; Jordan
Museum Alexander Koenig; Leibniz Institute of Biodiversity Change; Adenauerallee 127; 53113 Bonn; Germany
Slovenian Museum of Natural History; Prešernova 20; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia
Conservation biologist; Florence; Italy
Department of Zoology; National Museum (Natural History); Václavské nám. 68; 115 79 Praha 1 & Department of Zoology; Charles University; Viničná 7; 128 43 Praha 2; Czech Republic
General Organization of Remote Sensing; Department of Environmental Researches and Regional Planning; Syria
Department of Biology; University of Pisa; Via A. Volta 4; 56126 Pisa; Italy
Department of Biology; College of Science; University of Baghdad; Baghdad; Iraq
Mammalia Endemic species systematic checklist taxonomic revision wild mammals of Syria zoogeographical distribution


A checklist of the wild mammals of Syria including their current status and geographical distribution is provided. Data related to 110 mammalian species were collected following a comprehensive review of available literature records, grey data, and online observations combined with photographic evidence and in situ surveys carried out between 2006 and 2023. The checklist comprises seven orders, 36 families, 73 genera (subgenera), and 110 species, and includes data on 15 globally threatened species of wild mammals. Overall, we report up-to-date information on taxonomic revisions, historical and current geographical range, as well as the conservation status recently assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for one species of hyrax, two lagomorphs, 36 rodents, eight insectivores, 27 chiropterans, 20 carnivores, seven terrestrial artiodactyla, and nine cetaceans.



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