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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-31
Page range: 195-200
Abstract views: 241
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A new species of Neosilba (Diptera, Lonchaeidae) associated with fig orchards in Mexico

National Museum of Scotland; Collection Centre; 242 West Granton Road; Edinburgh; Scotland. EH5 1JA
Instituto de Ecología AC (INECOL); Xalapa; Veracruz 91073; Mexico
Instituto de Ecología AC (INECOL); Xalapa; Veracruz 91073; Mexico
Instituto de Ecología AC (INECOL); Xalapa; Veracruz 91073; Mexico
Diptera taxonomy Ficus carica acalyptratae Neotropics agricultural pest


A distinctive species of Neosilba Waddill & Weems, namely Neosilba flavitarsis sp. nov is described from specimens reared from cultivated figs in Mexico. DNA sequencing confirms that the species belongs in the genus Neosilba and it is placed in a phylogenetic tree with other close relatives.



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