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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-03
Page range: 201-246
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An intraspecific structure of Сicindela (s. str.) coerulea Pallas, 1773 (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae)

Moscow State Pedagogical University; Education-Scientific Centre of Ecology & Biodiversity; Kibalchicha str. 6; build. 3; 129164 Moscow; Russia.; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Institute of Biology and Human Pathology; Department of Biology; Ostrovitianova str. 1; 117997 Moscow; Russia
Coleoptera tiger beetles Palaearctic Asia new synonym identification key distribution area variability


An intraspecific structure of a widely distributed Asian species of tiger beetle, Сicindela coerulea Pallas, 1773, is revised and discussed. The neotype of Cicindela coerulea Pallas, 1773 as well as the lectotypes and paralectotypes of Cicindela optata Fischer von Waldheim, 1828, Cicindela przewalskii Dokhtouroff, 1887, Cicindela przewalskii var. grumi Tschitschérine, 1902 and Cicindela przewalskii var. kozlovi Tschitschérine, 1902 are designated. The new synonymy is established: Cicindela coerulea coerulea Pallas, 1773 = Cicindela coerulea lucifera Mandl, 1970, syn. nov. Cicindela coerulea selengensis Mandl, 1936 is considered a synonym of Cicindela coerulea nitida Lichtenstein, 1796, and Cicindela coerulea kozlovi Tschitschérine, 1903 is considered a synonym of Cicindela coerulea grumi Tschitschérine, 1903. The distribution map and an identification key are provided. The geographic variability of the basic colour and the white elytral pattern is discussed as well.



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