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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-07
Page range: 259-269
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A new species of Coronatella Dybowski & Grochowski, 1894 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) from Colombia

Universidade Federal de Jataí; Instituto de Biociências; Laboratório de Taxonomia Animal; Jataí; GO; Brasil
Universidad del Magdalena; Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Aplicada; Santa Marta; Colombia
Universidad de los Llanos; Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales de la Orinoquía Colombiana (ICAOC); Grupo de Investigación Evaluación Manejo y Conservación de Recursos Hidrobiológicos y Pesqueros (GIREHPES); Villavicencio; Meta. Colombia
Universidad del Magdalena; Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Aplicada; Santa Marta; Colombia
Universidade Federal de Jataí; Instituto de Biociências; Laboratório de Taxonomia Animal; Jataí; GO; Brasil; Independent Researcher
Crustacea Coronatella (Coronatella) Microcrustacean Neotropical Taxonomy trachystriata-group


Samples collected in the La Española fluvial lake in the Manacacías river basin, Colombia, yielded male and female specimens of an undescribed cladoceran of the diverse Chydoridae Dybowsky & Grochowski, 1894 emend. Frey, 1967 genus Coronatella Dybowsky & Grochowski, 1894. The new species is a member of the trachystriata-group within the Coronatella (Coronatella) lineage. We describe the new species based on adult male and female individuals. Parthenogenetic females of Coronatella jimenezae sp. nov. might be differentiated from the species of the trachystriata-group by morphology of labral keel, armature of spines on setae 2–3 of the IDL, armature of sixth scraper setae of second limb and proportion of setae on exopodite of the third limb; the male of the new species bears a flagellum on the tip of postabdominal claw. Our analysis of literature data suggests that Coronatella holdeni is a member of the trachystriata-group, based on similarities in the habitus, rostrum, postabdomen shape, and the absence of a seta on the exopodite of the second limb. The diversity related to Coronatella in the Neotropical zone should be considered underestimated.



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