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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-07
Page range: 270-280
Abstract views: 164
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New data on Galloisiana sinensis Wang, 1987 (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae) with description of the hitherto unknown female

Institute of Plant Protection Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science; Jilin Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology; Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Northeast China; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas; Gongzhuling; 136100 China; Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization; School of Life Sciences; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China; Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology; MOE; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China
Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization; School of Life Sciences; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China; Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology; MOE; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China
Northwest Minzu University; No. 99; Wuxie Camp; Xiaguanying Village; Xiaguanying Town; Yuzhong County; Lanzhou City; Gansu Province
Institute of Plant Protection Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science; Jilin Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology; Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Northeast China; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas; Gongzhuling; 136100 China
Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization; School of Life Sciences; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China; Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology; MOE; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China
Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization; School of Life Sciences; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China; Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology; MOE; Northeast Normal University; Changchun; 130024 China
Grylloblattodea ice crawlers; grylloblattidae; Galloisiana; taxonomy; habitat; protection; China


Advanced microscopic imaging techniques were employed to systematically examine the morphological features of Galloisiana sinensis. The hitherto unknown female of G. sinensis is described and illustrated. The male of this species is also redescribed and illustrated. This investigation contributes useful new morphological data to the taxonomic investigation of Grylloblattidae. Several measures to update and strengthen the conservation of Grylloblattidae in China are suggested here: (1) Designate protected areas for Grylloblattidae to safeguard against habitat destruction; (2) Develop protocols for Grylloblattidae sample collection, establish a robust approval process, and prohibit unauthorized collection for any purpose; (3) Conduct systematic, long-term conservation surveys at representative distribution sites.



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