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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-13
Page range: 129-146
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Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species

Universidad de la República; Facultad de Ciencias; Sección Entomología; Iguá 4225; 11400 - Montevideo; Uruguay; Universidad de la República; Facultad de Agronomía; Sección Entomología; Garzón 780; Montevideo; Uruguay
Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Rodovia Washington Luís; s/n; Monjolinho; CEP 13565-905; São Carlos; São Paulo; Brazil
Pacific Northwest Diptera Research Lab; 1460 SW Allen St.; Corvallis; Oregon; 97333; USA
Museo de Nacional de Historia Natural; Miguelete 1825; 11800; Montevideo; Uruguay; Centro Universitario Regional del Este (Universidad de la República); Ruta 9 esq. Ruta 15; Rocha; Uruguay
Museo de Nacional de Historia Natural; Miguelete 1825; 11800; Montevideo; Uruguay; Centro Universitario Regional del Este (Universidad de la República); Ruta 9 esq. Ruta 15; Rocha; Uruguay
Universidad de la República; Facultad de Ciencias; Sección Entomología; Iguá 4225; 11400 - Montevideo; Uruguay
Universidad de la República; Facultad de Ciencias; Sección Entomología; Iguá 4225; 11400 - Montevideo; Uruguay
Universidad de la República; Facultad de Ciencias; Sección Entomología; Iguá 4225; 11400 - Montevideo; Uruguay
Diptera March flies lovebugs Uruguayan biodiversity Neotropical entomology


Bibionidae is a family of flies known as March flies or lovebugs. An updated list of March flies analyzed until now from Uruguay is presented. The data provided here are based on specimens deposited in the two larger Uruguayan entomological collections, new samples and literature records of Bibionidae in Uruguay. Eight species from three genera are recorded in the country, namely: Bibio Geoffroy, with the species Bibio dacunhai Hardy, Dilophus Meigen with four species, Dilophus collaris Guérin-Méneville, Dilophus pectoralis Wiedemann, Dilophus aff. tetracanthus and Dilophus sp. 1; and Plecia Wiedemann, with three species, Plecia collaris (Fabricius), Plecia gibbosa Hardy and Plecia ramosa Fitzgerald. Unidentified morphospecies were observed in iNaturalist records indicating that more species must be present in the country. Besides, a different morph of P. gibbosa, named here as Plecia aff. gibbosa may represent another species. Bibio dacunhai, P. collaris, P. gibbosa and P. ramosa as well as the genera Bibio and Plecia, are recorded for the first time in Uruguay. Additionally, species previously recorded from Uruguay are discussed and the first record of wild boar feeding on Bibionidae larvae in the Neotropical region is reported.



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