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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-13
Page range: 174-184
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Tomiyamichthys hyacinthinus, a new species of shrimpgoby (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from southern Japan

Graduate School of Agriculture; Forestry and Fisheries; Kagoshima University; 1-21-24 Korimoto; Kagoshima 890-0065; Japan
The Kagoshima University Museum; 1-21-30 Korimoto; Kagoshima 890-0065; Japan
Pisces Description taxonomy Alpheus Tomiyamichthys latruncularius Tomiyamichthys eyreae


Tomiyamichthys hyacinthinus sp. nov. is described on the basis of four specimens from Kyushu, southern Japan. The new species is characterized by the following combination of characters: VI-I, 9 dorsal-fin rays; I, 9 anal-fin rays; 17 pectoral-fin rays; 45–48 lateral and 14–15 transverse scale rows; 4 + 8 or 9 (9) gill rakers of first gill arch; partially scaled prepelvic region; a pale blotch between fourth and fifth spines of first dorsal fin; second and third spines of first dorsal fin elongated, filamentous with orange bands in males; fourth spine of first dorsal fin longer than first in males; first dorsal fin trapezoid and dorsal-fin spines non-filamentous in females; 2 or 3 transverse rows of yellow blotches anteriorly and longitudinal yellow blotches posteriorly on caudal-fin membrane. Comparative molecular analysis reveals that the new species demonstrates significant genetic divergence (9.1–10.6%) in the mitochondrial COI gene from its closest congener, T. latruncularius. The new species exhibits a distinctive ecological association with the snapping shrimp Alpheus randalli, inhabiting sandy bottoms at depths of 18 m. Tomiyamichthys hyacinthinus sp. nov. is currently known only from southern Japan.



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