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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-14
Page range: 250-268
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A new species of the Thelepus cincinnatus complex from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Archipelago (NW Atlantic) and genetic diversity of Amphitrite figulus (Dalyell, 1853) (Annelida, Terebelliformia)

Univ. Bordeaux; CNRS; Bordeaux INP; EPOC; UMR 5805; Arcachon; France
UAR 3113; Observatoire Marin; Université de Brest; Plouzané; France; Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement Marin (LEMAR); UMR6539 CNRS/UBO/IRD/IFREMER; Plouzané; France
CNRS; Univ. Bordeaux—Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers; UAR 2567; POREA; Pessac; France
Univ. Bordeaux; CNRS; Bordeaux INP; EPOC; UMR 5805; Arcachon; France
Department of Biology; University of the Balearic Islands; 07122 Palma; Spain
Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement Marin (LEMAR); UMR6539 CNRS/UBO/IRD/IFREMER; Plouzané; France
Australian Museum Research Institute; Australian Museum; NSW 2010; Sydney; Australia; Marine Ecology Group; School of Natural Sciences; Faculty of Science and Engineering; Wallumattagal Campus; Macquarie University; NSW 2109; Australia
Annelida COI 16S new species Amphitrite Thelepus morphology Spaghetti worms taxonomy


During an ecological survey conducted in 2023 around the coastal waters of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Archipelago, a sub-Arctic archipelago located about 20 km south of Newfoundland (NW Atlantic), two species of Terebelliformia were sampled. The first one is Amphitrite figulus (Dalyell, 1853) a species described from Europe but with a wide distribution across the Northern Atlantic Ocean. The second one, Thelepus recheri n. sp., is a new species characterised by the presence of a wide dorsal branchial gap and the presence of notopodia almost until the end of the body. Molecular studies were performed and two markers were sequenced and analyzed, COI and 16S. These genetic data revealed that (1) Thelepus recheri n. sp. belongs to the T. cincinnatus complex and (2) a clear population structure within A. figulus, with two populations on each side of the Atlantic separated from each other. However, our data are inconclusive in resolving whether these two clusters are two populations within the same species or two distinct species.



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