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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-14
Page range: 323-338
Abstract views: 318
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A new leafhopper genus and species on bamboo, described from Europe (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Mukariini), with remarkable seasonal dimorphism

University of Padua; Department of Agronomy; Food; Natural Resources; Animals and Environment (DAFNAE); Viale dell’Università 16; 35020; Legnaro; Padova; Italy.
Oekoteam – Institute for Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning; Bergmanngasse 22; 8010 Graz; Austria.
University of Verona; Department of Biotechnology; Strada Le Grazie 15; 37134; Verona; Italy.
Musée Zoologique de l’Université et de la Ville de Strasbourg; 29 Boulevard de la Victoire; 67000 Strasbourg; France.
Department of Science (Insects); The Natural History Museum; London; SW7 5BD; UK.
Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha Cicadomorpha taxonomy new species Phyllostachys alien species


Bamboosella Sanna & Webb gen. nov., with B. dimorpha Sanna, Holzinger & Callot, sp. nov., is described and illustrated. Characters of face and body, forewings venation and male genitalia place the new genus in the tribe Mukariini (Deltocephalinae). In common with all other members of the tribe, the species is oligophagous on bamboo (Phyllostachys spp., Poaceae) and has a flattened body. Bamboosella dimorpha has multiple generations per year which show remarkable seasonal dimorphism in terms of the shape of the aedeagus and the pygofer processes in males. This dimorphism is considered to be within a single species based on a study of biology, on the presence of intermediates and on molecular analyses. The species is reported from France, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland, but it is (as with its hostplant) not native in Europe and most likely originates from south-eastern Asia.



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