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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-20
Page range: 141-145
Abstract views: 153
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New distributional record of the endemic Red Sea Parrotfish Scarus collana (Rüppell, 1835) from the southern coast of India

Manonmaiam Sundaranar University; Tirunelveli; India; Marine Eco-biological Research Centre; Tuticorin; India
CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography; Regional Centre; Kochi; India
ICAR-NBFGR; Peninsular and Marine Fish Genetic Resources Centre; Kochi; India
Pisces Coral reef Gulf of Mannar trap fishery


This study presents the first recorded occurrence of the endemic Red Sea parrotfish, Scarus collana (Rüppell, 1835), in Indian waters. The specimen was collected through trap fishing in the reef and paar regions of the Gulf of Mannar. The specimens were measured 10.8–34.2 cm in length (TL) and weighed 232–1248 g. This newly recorded endemic species of Red Sea represents a geographic range extension and contributes to the marine biodiversity records of India.



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