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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2025-02-21
Page range: 289-293
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A new species of the genus Xya Latreille, 1809 from China (Orthoptera, Trydctyloidea, Trydactylidae)

College of Life Science; Leshan Normal University; Leshan; Sichuan 614004; China; Academician workstation of Yin X.C. in Leshan; Leshan; Sichuan 614004; China
Academician workstation of Yin X.C. in Leshan; Leshan; Sichuan 614004; China; College of Extended Education; Leshan Normal University; Leshan 614004; China
College of Life Sciences; Hebei University; Baoding; Hebei 071002; China
Orthoptera Trydctyloidea Trydactylidae


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