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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-28
Page range: 377-386
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New records of Hydropsychinae (Insecta: Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from Assam, India

High Altitude Regional Centre; Zoological Survey of India; Saproon Solan; (H.P..); India-173211
PostGraduate Department of Zoology; Postgraduate Government College for Girls; Sector-11; Chandigarh; India-160011
Department of Zoology; School of Biosciences & Biotechnology; Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University; Rajouri; J&K; India-185234
Trichoptera caddisfly Himalaya taxonomy male genitalia Oriental Region


Three species of Hydropsychinae are recorded for the first time from the geographic limits of India. Hydropsyche dolosa Banks 1939, Potamyia flavata (Banks 1934), and Potamyia renatae Malicky 1997 (all from Manas National Park, Assam—a World Heritage site) are re-illustrated, redescribed, and recorded for the first time from India.



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