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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-03
Page range: 549-558
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Pwaxumak keysersozei, a new genus and species of Oedicerotidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from New Caledonia

Université de Bordeaux; CNRS; Bordeaux INP; EPOC; UMR 5805; F-33600 Pessac; France
Invertebrates (non-Insects) section; Natural History Museum; London; Cromwell Road; South Kensington; SW7 5BD; United Kingdom
Crustacea Taxonomy Mud sediment


A recent and intense exploration of New Caledonia marine life by the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturel de Paris (France) has revealed a new genus of Oedicerotidae. The charismatic new genus and species, Pwaxumak keysersozei can be distinguished from its congeners at both the generic and species level by the distinctly chelate gnathopods 1 and 2. It is reported from three specimens collected in shallow water muddy sediments. The regional amphipod list for New Caledonia is updated to 221 published species following on from the Lowry’s (2007) checklist.



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