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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-07
Page range: 305-321
Abstract views: 147
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Three new species of flightless Cryptorhynchinae from the Caucasus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

CURCULIO Institute; Hauweg 62; 41066 Mönchengladbach; Germany
Institute of Ecology; Ilia State University; 3/5 Cholokashvili Av.; Tbilisi; 0162; Georgia
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology; The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia; 7 P.Sevak Str.; Yerevan 0014; Armenia
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB); Museum Koenig; Adenauerallee 127; 53113 Bonn; Germany
Coleoptera Integrative taxonomy molecular analysis DNA barcoding morphology Kyklioacalles Echinodera Onyxacalles Georgia Armenia Russia


Three new weevil species, Kyklioacalles ocellus Stüben & Astrin, sp. nov., Onyxacalles gibbosus Stüben & Astrin, sp. nov., and Echinodera borjomiensis Stüben & Astrin, sp. nov. are described from the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, and Russia) and are distinguished from related species based on morphological and molecular data. The new taxa are included in a phylogram and a CO1 distance matrix is given including the closest species from the Caucasus and the eastern mediterranean region. Acalles reitteri Meyer, 1896 is transferred to the genus Kyklioacalles as Kyklioacalles reitteri (Meyer, 1896) comb. n. based on both morphological and molecular evidence.



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