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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-21
Page range: 375-389
Abstract views: 96
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Thaumatographa tortricids in Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Chlidanotinae, Hilarographini)

McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity; Florida Museum of Natural History; University of Florida; Gainesville; Florida 32611; USA
Division of Life Sciences; College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering; Incheon National University; 256 Hamoni-ro; Yeonsu˗gu; Incheon; 22012; Republic of Korea; Bio˗Resource and Environmental Center; Incheon National University; 256 Hamoni-ro; Yeonsu˗gu; Incheon; 22012; Republic of Korea; Convergence Research Center for Insect Vectors; Division of Life Sciences; College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering; Incheon National University; 256 Hamoni-ro; Incheon; 22012; Republic of Korea
Lepidoptera taxonomy checklist Asia China India Indonesia Japan New Guinea Southeast Asia Taiwan Thailand new species


The genus Thaumatographa Walsingham, 1897 (Tortrici­dae: Chlidanoti­nae: Hilarographini) of day-flying tortricid moths from Vietnam is reviewed, with four new species descriptions: Thaumato­grapha carapaceana sp. nov., Thaumato­grapha cucphuongana sp. nov., Thaumatographa melinhana sp. nov., and Thaumato­grapha tamdaoana sp. nov.



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