The present study is based on the specimens of Acridoidea during the course of a survey (1993–1996) from various agricutural areas of different regions of Fezzan. Nearly 4,230 specimens were collected from 68 localities and identified down to specific level. From this 50 species of Acridoidea representing 28 genera and 3 families of Acridoidea were identified. Their distinguishing characters and economic importance are given. Bio-ecological data on the species and their relationship with vegetation are also provided. A key to the genera examined is provided. Furthermore, the data resulting from the survey established new records for genera and species of Acridoidea previouly known to occur elsewhere in the country and many new localities recorded for others. Among the present material from Fezzan, fifteen genera, twenty-seven species, and eight subspecies are recorded for the first time. Also, three species and three subspecies are reported for the first time from Libya.References
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