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Type: Article
Published: 2009-01-16
Page range: 53–60
Abstract views: 65
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A new freshwater peritrichous ciliate from Harbin, China, Epistylis lalinensis n. sp. (Sessilida: Epistylididae)

Hangzhou Key Laboratory for Animal Sciences and Technology, School of Life and Environment Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
Hangzhou Key Laboratory for Animal Sciences and Technology, School of Life and Environment Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
Hangzhou Key Laboratory for Animal Sciences and Technology, School of Life and Environment Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
Laboratory of Protozoology, KLM, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China
Protozoa Epistylis lalinensis n. sp. freshwater peritrich infraciliature morphology


A freshwater peritrich ciliate, Epistylis lalinensis n. sp., was collected from Lalin River, Harbin, China, and its morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were investigated based on living and silver-impregnated specimens. The new species measured 125-187 × 31-47 μ m in vivo and is characterized by having green-coloured endoplasm containing symbiotic algae, single apically located contractile vacuole, one-layer peristomial collar and slender body shape. The Cshaped macronucleus is transversely located. Three equally kineties in polykinety 3 parallel to each other. Number of silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, 117-145; between aboral trochal band and scopula, 50-68. Comparing most other congeners, circular fibers of this species composed of internal and external layers.


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