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Published: 2004-11-25
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Paguristes puniceus Henderson, 1896 (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea: Diogenidae): A study in intraspecific variability

Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, 1900 Shannon Point Road, Anacortes, WA 98221-9081B, U.S.A.
Crustacea Decapoda Paguroidea Diogenidae Paguristes Paguristes puniceus intraspecific variation


The availability of 45 adult specimens from single population of the hermit crab Paguristes puniceus Henderson, 1896, together with ten specimens from other localities, has made it possible to investigate intraspecific variability in morphological characters heretofore considered diagnostic for species of the genus. Fifty-one attributes deemed important by previous investigators, were examined and/or measured. However, when variations in segmental armature were found in the two pairs of ambulatory legs, the segments were scored individually, for a total of 77 characters. The results of the analysis demonstrated conclusively that most, if not all, previously employed characters were subject to intraspecific variation, and that for some, variability rendered them ineffective in discriminating among closely related taxa. Just as a suite of characters is usually needed to define a taxon, a similar suite is needed to differentiate one closely related taxon from another. In addition to discussing the ranges of variation observed for each of the characters, P. puniceus has been redescribed to include this variability. A second taxon, P. puniceus unispinosa Balss has been found to be a junior subjective synonym of P. puniceus. Paguristes puniceus also has been compared with three very similar Japanese species, P. miyakei Forest & McLaughlin, 1998, P. doederleini Komai, 2001, and Paguristes sp.


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