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Type: Monograph
Published: 2009-02-04
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A review of the hyperiidean amphipod superfamily Lanceoloidea Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea)

South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5000
Crustacea Amphipoda Hyperiidea Lanceoloidea Lanceolidae Chuneolidae Microphasmidae Prolanceolidae fam. nov. Metalanceolidae fam. nov. Megalanceolidae fam. nov. Mimonecteolidae fam. nov. Lanceola Scypholanceola Prolanceola Metalanceola


A taxonomic review of the superfamily Lanceoloidea is presented, based predominantly on collections held by the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prior to this review the superfamily consisted of three families, Lanceolidae with five genera, Chuneolidae with one genus and Microphasmidae with three genera. The family Lanceolidae is here restricted to two genera, Lanceola and Scypholanceola. The other three genera previously included in this family, Prolanceola, Metalanceola and Megalanceola all have characters that differ significantly from Lanceola (and Scypholanceola) as well as from each other; characters which are considered important enough to warrant their removal from the family. Thus, three new families are proposed to accommodate them; Prolanceolidae fam. nov. for Prolanceola, Metalanceolidae fam. nov. for Metalanceola and Megalanceolidae fam. nov. for Megalanceola. In addition, a new genus, Megalanceoloides gen. nov. is proposed for Megalanceola remipes (Barnard, 1932) because it posses characters that differ significantly from M. stephenseni (Chevreux, 1920), the type species of the genus Megalanceola. Lanceola is the most speciose genus with fourteen species recognized in this review, including two new species, L. gruneri sp. nov. from the Tasman Sea and L. galatheae sp. nov. from the tropical north-eastern Indian Ocean. Scypholanceola consists of two species and Prolanceola, Metalanceola, Megalanceola and Megalanceoloides gen. nov. are currently all monospecific. The family Chuneolidae remains unchanged, with one genus and three species. The family Microphasmidae is here restricted to two genera, Microphasma and Microphasmoides; both are monospecific. The genus Mimonecteola is removed from Microphasmidae and placed in a new family, Mimonecteolidae fam. nov., because it posses several significant characters that set it apart from Microphasma (and Microphasmoides). Six species of Mimonecteola are recognized in this review, including M. macronyx Barnard, 1932 which is considered a valid species based on an examination of the type, and additional material from the Dana collections, and one new species, M. carlsbergi sp. nov., from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean off South Africa. Keys are provided for families, genera and species and all species are illustrated.


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