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Type: Articles
Published: 2004-10-25
Page range: 1–24
Abstract views: 84
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The genus Xenosciara gen. n. and the phylogeny of the Sciaridae (Diptera)

Pekka Vilkamaa, Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, PO Box 17, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Heikki Hippa, Swedish Museum of Natural History, PO Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
Diptera phylogeny morphology Sciaridae Xenosciara new genus new species


The phylogeny of 50 genera or subgenera of the Sciaridae was studied by parsimony analysis. A cladistic analysis using 138 morphological characters from the adults of fifty-one ingroup and one outgroup species produced one most parsimonious cladogram. Schwenckfeldina, Chaetosciara, and Scythropochroa appeared successively as the sister groups of all other genera included in the analysis. The solution obtained was, in part, different from earlier, traditional views of sciarid phylogeny. The new Oriental genus Xenosciara had the phylogenetic relationship [Metangela + (Pnyxiopalpus + Xenosciara)]. Xenosciara invisa gen. n., sp. n., is described and illustrated. The new monotypic genus is exceptional in its hypopygial structures.


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