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Type: Article
Published: 2009-05-06
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A review of the marine and brackish-water species of Testudinella (Rotifera: Monogononta, Testudinellidae), with the description of two new species

University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Antwerpen, Belgium
Rotifera Flosculariaceae Testudinella new species marine Mediterranean


Two new morphospecies of the rotifer genus Testudinella (Rotifera, Monogononta, Testudinellidae), T. bicorniculata sp. nov. and T. elongata sp. nov., are described from marine psammon collected in the Mediterranean. T. bicorniculata sp. nov. is characterized by two antero-lateral lorica projections; dorsal and ventral anterior margins undulate with shallow median sinus; foot opening sub-terminal, inverted U-shaped; distal foot pseudosegment short; fulcrum with proximal opening. T. elongata sp. nov. is characterized by its strongly elongate and striate lorica; dorsal anterior margin tri-lobed; ventral margin projecting, almost straight; foot opening sub-terminal, inverted U-shaped; distal foot pseudosegment long; fulcrum with proximal opening. The new species are related to T. obscura Althaus, 1957, which is redescribed. Brief descriptions of the external morphology and trophi, as well as biogeographical information are provided for the other Testudinella species reported from marine and brackish environments. T. pseudoclypeata Bērziņš, 1943 is synonymized with T. elliptica (Ehrenberg, 1834).


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