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Type: Monograph
Published: 2009-05-11
Page range: 1–188
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Taxonomic revision of the African bee subgenera Patellapis, Chaetalictus and Lomatalictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae, genus Patellapis Friese 1909)

University of Münster, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Robert Koch-Straße 26, D-48149 Münster, Germany
The Natural History Museum, Department of Entomology, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
Hymenoptera new species systematics key distribution


The African bee subgenera Patellapis (s. str.), P. (Chaetalictus) and P. (Lomatalictus) are revised. They comprise 71 species, of which 39 species are here described as new: P. (P.) bidentata sp. n., P. (P.) bifurcata sp. n., P. (P.) braunsi sp. n., P. (P.) depressa sp. n., P. (P.) doleritica sp. n., P. (P.) gessorum sp. n., P. (P.) hakkiesdraadi sp. n., P. (P.) impunctata sp. n., P. (P.) karooensis sp. n., P. (P.) longifacies sp. n., P. (P.) mandela sp. n., P. (P.) problematica sp. n., P. (P.) pseudomontagui sp. n., P. (P.) pseudorubricata sp. n., P. (P.) reticulata sp. n., P. (P.) richtersveldi sp. n., P. (P.) rubricata sp. n., P. (Ch.) abnormis sp. n., P. (Ch.) africana sp. n., P. (Ch.) cameroni sp. n., P. (Ch.) cockerelli sp. n., P. (Ch.) drakensbergensis sp. n., P. (Ch.) eardleyi sp. n., P. (Ch.) friesei sp. n., P. (Ch.) fynbosensis sp. n., P. (Ch.) gruenebergensis sp. n., P. (Ch.) micheneri sp. n., P. (Ch.) namaquensis sp. n., P. (Ch.) natalensis sp. n., P. (Ch.) ninae sp. n., P. (Ch.) paulyi sp. n., P. (Ch.) renosterveldi sp. n., P. (Ch.) rozeni sp. n., P. (Ch.) sabinae sp. n., P. (Ch.) sakagamii sp. n., P. (Ch.) stoeberia sp. n., P. (Ch.) timpageleri sp. n., P. (Ch.) turneri sp. n. and P. (Ch.) virungae sp. n. New synonymies are proposed for P. (P.) pallidicinctula (Cockerell 1939) syn. n. = P. (P.) communis (Smith 1879); P. (Ch.) micropastina (Cockerell 1940) syn. n = P. (Ch.) pastinella (Cockerell 1939); P. (Ch.) schönlandi (Cameron 1905) syn. n., P. (Ch.) probita (Cockerell 1933) syn. n., P. (Ch.) neli (Cockerell 1937) syn. n., P. (Ch.) calvini (Cockerell 1937) syn. n., P. (Ch.) ausica (Cockerell 1945) syn. n. = P. (Ch.) pearstonensis (Cameron 1905); P. (Ch.) rubrotibialis (Cockerell 1946) syn. n. = P. (Ch.) platti (Cockerell 1937); P. (Ch.) sanguinibasis (Cockerell 1939) syn. n. = P. (Ch.) pondoensis (Cockerell 1937); P. (Ch.) atricilla (Cockerell 1940) syn. n. = P. (Ch.) vumbensis (Cockerell 1940); P. (L.) levisculpta (Cockerell 1939) syn. n., P. (L.) suprafulva (Cockerell 1946) syn. n. = P. (L.) malachurina (Cockerell 1937). The species P. mosselina (Cockerell 1945), P. pastinops (Cockerell 1941) and P. tenuicincta (Cockerell 1939) are transferred to Lasioglossum. The type material of P. katangensis (Cockerell 1934), P. rufiventris (Friese 1909), and P. volutatoria (Cameron 1905) was not retrievable. All species are (re)described, a key for species identification is provided and species distributions are mapped.


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