Subgenus Saltrichocera was established for the inclusion of the species of Trichocera with simple gonostyles and gonocoxites, separated and highly arched bridge, and large aedeagal complex (Krzeminska, 2002). As the newly described species possesses all these features, it is therefore assigned to the subgenus Saltrichocera.
Dahl, C. & Krzeminska, E. (2008) Designation and description of lectotype Trichocera (Saltrichocera) borealis Lackschewitz, 1934 (Diptera, Trichoceridae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 55, 131–135.
Krzeminska, E. (2002) A new subgenus and two new species of the genus Trichocera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Trichoceridae). Annales zoologici, 52 (2), 201-205.
Starý, J. (1999) New species of the Trichocera (Metatrichocera) saltator species group (Diptera: Trichoceridae). Entomological Problems, 30, 1–10.