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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-06-15
Page range: 53–64
Abstract views: 50
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New and less known Orthoptera (Insecta) from the island of Socotra (Yemen)

Department SENFIMIZO, University of Palermo, V.le Scienze 13, 90128 Palermo, Italy
Orthoptera Ochrilidia socotrae n. sp. systematic distribution new records


A list of nine species of Orthoptera collected on Socotra is reported. Three of them were previously unrecorded on the island (Trigonidium cicindeloides, Paratettix subpustulatus and Acrotylus insubricus) and one (Ochrilidia socotrae n.sp.) was undescribed. Further systematic notes on Glomeremus pileatus, G. mediopictus, Pyrgomorpha conica tereticornis, Acrotylus incarnatus and Sphingonotus insularis are included. The East African Acrotylus meruensis, previously considered synonym of A. incarnatus, is proposed as a valid species, distinct from the latter.


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