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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-07-31
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Chlamydoselachus africana, a new species of frilled shark from southern Africa (Chondrichthyes, Hexanchiformes, Chlamydoselachidae)

Pacific Shark Research Center, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 8272 Moss Landing Road, Moss Landing, CA. 95039, U.S.A
Shark Research Center, South African Museum, Iziko – Museums of Cape Town, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000, R.S.A
Fish Chlamydoselachidae Chlamydoselachus africana new species Angola Namibia South Africa


Frilled sharks (Chondrichthyes, Hexanchiformes, Chlamydoselachidae), long believed to be a monotypic family and genus, consisting of a single wide ranging species, Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Garman, 1884), is now known to contain at least two species. A new species of frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus africana, sp. nov., is described from five specimens collected from southern Africa. The new species, although difficult to distinguish externally from the well known C. anguineus, differ internally by the structural differences in the chondrocranium, lower total vertebral and spiral valve counts, and pectoral-fin radial counts. The new species, Chlamydoselachus africana, is known from off southern Angola, Namibia, and South Africa.


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