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George Brettingham Sowerby, I, II & III: their conchological publications and Molluscan taxa

806 St. Charles Road., North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582-2846, USA
Mollusca G. B. Sowerby bibliography compilation collation list of taxa Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells Tankerville Catalogue Conchological Manual Zoology of Beechey’s Voyage Thesauruus Conchyliorum Conchologia Iconica dates of publication


Several members of the Sowerby family were artists and authors of natural history works in the 19 th Century. Three of them, George Brettingham Sowerby, his son, and his grandson (I, II & III respectively) are especially known for their molluscan publications. The first to bear the name is best known for his Genera of recent and fossil shells and for initiating the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, the latter work being finished by his son and grandson. He was also primarilyresponsible for the Conchological Illustrations for which his son produced the plates and several monographs. In addition to the Illustrations and much of the Thesaurus, G. B. Sowerby II is known for his Manual of Conchology and for the final volumes of Reeve’s Conchologia Iconica. The third generation of this line finished the Thesaurus and published an enlarged edition of his father’s Illustrated Index of British Shells. He published numerous papers in journals and is best known for a series of papers on mollusks of South Africa. Complete molluscan bibliographies for all three G. B. Sowerbys are compiled and collated and a list of their molluscan taxa is here given for the first time.


  1. Aartsen, J. J. van, Menkhorst, H. P. M. G., & Gittenberger, E. (1984) The marine Mollusca of the Bay of Algeciras, Spain, with general notes on Mitrella, Marginellidae and Turridae. Basteria, Supplement 2, 1–135.

    Abbott, R.T. (1967) Review [of Thesaurus facsimile]. New York Shell Club Notes, 134, 2.

    Abbott, R.T. (1990) Sowerby reborn. New York Shell Club Notes, 317, 8–9.

    Adams, A. (1850) Monograph of the genus Anatinella. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 18, 40–41. [November]

    Adams, A. (1853a) Contributions towards a monograph of the Trochidae, a family of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 19, 150–192. [June]

    Adams, A. (1853b) Descriptions of several new species of Murex, Rissoina, Planaxis, and Eulima, from the Cumingian collection. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 19, 267–272. [December]

    Adams, A. (1854a) Descriptions of new shells from the collection of H. Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 21, 69–74. [25 July]

    Adams, A. (1854b) Descriptions of new species of the genus Conus, from the collection of H. Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 21, 116–119. [14 November]

    Adams, A. (1854c) Descriptions of new species of shells in the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 21, 173–176, pl. 20. [20 December]

    Adams, A. (1855) A monograph of Cerithidea, a genus of Mollusca, with descriptions of several new species, from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq.; to which are added, descriptions of two new species of Colina, and one of Donax. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 22, 83–87. [11 April]

    Adams, A. (1860) On some new genera and species of Mollusca from Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 3, 5, 405–413. [1 May]

    Adams, A. (1862) On some new species of Mollusca from Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 3, 9, 295–298. [1 April]

    Adams, A. (1864) On some new genera and species of Mollusca from the seas of China and Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 3, 13, 307–310. [1 April]

    Adams, A. (1867) Descriptions of new species of shells from Japan. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1867, 309–315, pl. 19. [October]

    Adams, A. (1868) On the species of Helicidae found in Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 4, 1, 459–472. [1 June]

    Adams, A. & Angas, G. F. (1864) Descriptions of new species of shells from the Australian seas, in the collection of George French Angas. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1863, 418–428, pl. 37. [April 1864]

    Adams, A. & Reeve, L. 1848–50. Mollusca. In: A. Adams, ed. The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang; under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., F.R.A.S., F.G.S. during the years 1843–1846. Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, London. x + 87 pp., pls. 1–24. [Pt. I. i–x (by Adams only), 1–24, i–ii (plate explanations), pls. 1–9, 1 November 1848; Pt. II, 25–44, pls. 10–17, 27 April 1850; Pt. III, 45–87, pls. 18–24, 31 August 1850.]

    Adams, C. B. (1845) Specierum novarum conchyliorum, in Jamaica reportorum. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 2, 1–17.

    Adams, H. (1866) Descriptions of fifteen new species of land and freshwater-shells from Formosa, collected by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., Consul at Taiwan in that Island. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1866, 316–319, pl. 33. [September]

    Adams, H. & Adams, A. (1853–58) The genera of Recent Mollusca; arranged according to their organization. John van Voorst, London. 2 vols. [1, 1–256, pls. 1–32 (1853); 1, 257–484, 2, 1–92, pls. 33–72 (1854); 2, 93–284, pls. 73–96 (1855); 2, 285–412, pls. 97–112 (1856); 2, 413–540, pls. 113–128 (1857); 2, 541–660, pls. 129–138 (1858).]

    Angas, G. F. (1867) List of species of marine Mollusca found in Port Jackson Harbour, New South Wales, and on the adjacent coasts, with notes on their habits, etc. Part 1. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1867, 185–233.

    Angas, G. F. (1871) Descriptions of thirty-four new species of shells from Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1871, 13–34, 1 pl.

    Angas, G. F. (1877) Descriptions of two genera and twenty species of marine shells from New South Wales. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1877, 34–40, pl. 5.

    Angas, G. F. (1878) Description of a new species of Tudicula. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1878, 610–611.

    Anonymous (1824) Literary announcements. The Zoological Journal, 1(2), 268–269. [June]

    Anonymous (1825) Works preparing for publication. London. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 17, 747–748. [June]

    Anonymous (1837) [Review of] Conchological Illustrations; or coloured figures of all the hitherto unfigured recent shells. By G.B. Sowerby, jun. Published by G.B. Sowerby, Sen. Magazine of Natural History, 1, 266–267.

    Anonymous (1839) The Magazine of Natural History. August, 1839. Magazine of Natural History, 3, 415–418.

    Anonymous (1857) [Review of] Popular History of the Aquarium of Marine and Freshwater Animals and Plants. By George Brettingham Sowerby, F.L.S. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2, 20, 138–140.

    Anonymous (1859) Biographical Notice. An Illustrated Index of British Shells, with Coloured Figures of all the Species. By G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser.3, 4, 376.

    Anonymous (1956) Grandfather’s shell cabinet. Relic of a clan of artists and naturalists. Times (London), September 18, 1956, p. 10.

    Anthony, R. (1905) Influence de la fixation pleurothétique sur la morphologie des mollusques acéphales dimyaires. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 1, 165–396, pls. 7–8.

    Anton, H.E. (1838) Verzeichniss der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung von Hermann Eduard Anton befinden. Eduard Anton, Halle. xvi + 110 pp. [Imprinted 1839 but published in 1838. See Cernohorsky 1978, The Veliger, 20(3): 299.]

    Bayle, [C.] E. (1880) Liste rectificative de quelques noms de genres et d’especes. Journal de Conchyliologie, 23(3), 240–251.

    Beechey, F. W., et al. (1839) The Zoology of Captain Beechey’s voyage … to the Pacific and Behring’s Straits performed in His Majesty’s Ship Blossom … 1825, 26, 27, and 28. Henry G. Bohn, London. xii + 186 pp., 47 pls.

    Bellardi, L. (1841) Description des Cancellaires fossiles des terrains tertiaires du Piémont. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Serie II, 3, 225–264, 4 pls. [Also issued as a separate, pp. 1–42, pls. 1–4; cited herein.]

    Benson, W. H. (1832) Account of a new genus of land snails, allied to the genus Cyclostoma, of Lamarck; with a description of a species found on the outlying rocks of the Rájmahal range of hills. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1, 11–14, pl. 4.

    Benson, W. H. (1835) Conchological notices; chiefly relating to the land and fresh-water shells of the Gangetic provinces of Hindoostan. The Zoological Journal, 5, 458–466.

    Benson, W. H. (1836) Description of the shell and animal of Nematura, a new genus of Mollusca, inhabiting situations subject to alternations of fresh and brackish water. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 5, 781–782.

    Benson, W. H. (1851) Descriptive characters of two species of the genus Pterocyclos, discovered by Dr. Bland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2, 8, 195–197.

    Benson, W. H. (1855) Chusan shells. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 24, 119–140.

    Bequaert, J. & Clench, W. J. (1936) A second contribution to the Molluscan fauna of Yucatan. pp. 61–77 [incl. 2 pls.] In: A. S. Pearse, ed., The cenotes of Yucatan. A zoological and hydrographic survey. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington. Publication 457. 304 pp. [incl. pls.]

    Bernard, F. R. (1983) Catalogue of the living Bivalvia of the eastern Pacific Ocean: Bering Strait to Cape Horn. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 61, 1–102

    Beu, A. G. (2001) Gradual Miocene to Pleistocene uplift of the Central American isthmus: Evidence from tropican American tonnoidean gastropods. Journal of Paleontology, 75(3), 706–720.

    Blainville, H. M. D. (1824) Mollusques. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, 32, 1–392.

    Born, I. (1778) Index rerum naturalium Musei Vindobonensis. Pars I. Testacea. Vienna. [xlii] + 458 + [82] pp., 1 pl.

    Born, I. (1780) Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis. J.P. Kraus, Vindobonae. xxxv + 442 + [18] pp., 18 pls.

    Bourguignat, J. R. (1885) Notice prodromique sur les mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis par M. Victor Giraud dans la région mériodionale du lac Tanganika. Tremblay, Paris. 110 pp.

    Brocchi, G. B. (1814) Conchiologia fossile subapennina con osservazioni geologiche sugli Apennini Vicentin, e sul suolo adiacente. Stamperia Reale, Milano. 2 vols. [1, 1–240; 2, 241–712, pls. 1–16.]

    Broderip, W. J. (1832–33) [Descriptions of new species of shells from the collection formed by Mr. Cuming on the western coast of South America, and among the islands of the southern Pacific Ocean.] Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London, Part II for 1832, 25–33, 104–108, 113–120, 173–179, 194–202. [A series of papers, often cited as of “Broderip & Sowerby,” that are not joint papers but are collections of descriptions with the author of each identified by his initials at the end of the description.]

    Broderip, W. J. (1835) [Characters of new species of shells contained in the collection of Mr. Cuming.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1835, 41–47. (1 June)

    Broderip, W. J. (1841a) [Descriptions of shells collected in the Philippine Islands by H. Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1840, 119–125. (July 1841)

    Broderip, W. J. (1841b) [Descriptions of shells collected in the Philippine Islands by H. Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1841, 119–125. (October 1841)

    Brongniart, A. (1810) Sue les terrains qui paroissent avoir formés sous l’eau douce. Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 15, 357–405.

    Brown, T. (1827) Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. W. H. Lazars and D. Lazars, Edinburgh. 53 plates with unnumbered letterpress. [issued in parts; for collation see Kennard & Woodward 1928]

    Bruguière, J. G. (1789) Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Panckoucke, Paris. Vol. 1, (1): i–xviii, 1–344.

    Bruguière, J. G. (1792) Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Panckoucke, Paris. Vol. 1, (2): 345–757.

    Bruguière, J. G. (1797) Tableau encyclopédie et méthodique de trios règnes de la nature. Vers, coquilles, mollusques et polypiers. Agasse, Paris. Vol. 2, pls. 190–286.

    Burkhardt, F. & Smith, S., eds. (1987) The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. xxix + [3] + 523 pp., 13 leaves of plates.

    Burkhardt, F. & Smith, S., eds. (1988) The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 4. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. xxxiii + [3] + 711 pp., 11 leaves of plates.

    Carpenter, P. P. (1857) Catalogue of the collection of Mazatlan shells in the British Museum. Oberlin Press, London. xii + 552 pp.

    Carpenter, P. P. (1864) Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 33[for 1853], 517–686. [Reprinted in Carpenter 1872: 1–172]

    Carpenter, P. P. (1866) On the Acmaeidae of the Vancouver and Californian Province. American Journal of Conchology, 2(4), 332–348.

    Catlow, A. & Reeve, L. (1845) The Conchologist’s Nomenclator. Reeve, Brothers, London. [1] + viii + 326 pp.

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1970) Systematics of the families Mitridae & Volutomitridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum, i–iv, 1–190,

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1971) The family Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Fiji Islands. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 8, 169–180.

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1973) Lachryma Sowerby, [1832] (Gastropoda): Proposed addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 30(1), 51–53.

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1974) The taxonomy of some Indo-Pacific Mollusca with description of a new species. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 11, 121–142.

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1977) The taxonomy of some Southern Ocean Mollusca (Gastropoda) mainly Antarctic and Subantarctic. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 14, 105–119.

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1984) Systematics of the family Nassariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 14, iv + 356

    Cernohorsky, W. O. (1988) The Mitridae, Costellariidae and Nassariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) recently dredged at Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, with descriptions of new species. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 25, 75–85.

    Chalmers-Hunt, J. M. (1976) Natural history auctions (1700–1972). Sothby Parke Benet, London. xii + 189 pp.

    Charpentier, J. v. (1847) Uebersicht der durch Herrn Edm. Boissier von einer Reise nach Palästina mit zurückegbrachten Conchylien-Arten. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, Jahrgang 1847, 129–144.

    Chemnitz, J. H. (1780–1795) Neues systematisches Conchylien Cabinet. G.N. Raspe, Nürnberg. Vols. 4–11 [4, [24] + 344 pp., pls. CXXII–CLIX, 1780; 5, [20] + 324 pp., pls. CLX–CLXXXXIII, 1781; 6, [12] + 375 pp., pls. 1–36, 1782; 7, [12] + 356 pp., pls. 37–69, 1784; 8, [16] + 372 pp., pls. 70–102, 1785; 9(1), [12] + 151 pp., pls. 103–116, 1786; 9(2), xxvi + 194 pp., pls. 117–136, 1786; 10, [20] + 376 pp., pls. 137–173, 1788; 11, [20] + 310 pp., pls. 174–213, 1795]. Also, see F.H.W. Martini.

    Chenu, J. C. (1859–62) Manuel de conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique. Librarie Victor Masson, Paris. 2 vols. [1, i–vii, 1–508 (1859); 2, 1–327 (1862).]

    Cleevely, R. J. (1974a) The Sowerbys, the Mineral conchology, and their fossil collection. The Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 6(6), 418–481.

    Cleevely, R. J. (1974b) A provisional bibliography of natural history works by the Sowerby family. The Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 6(6): 482–559.

    Cleevely, R. J. (1976) The Sowerbys and their publications in the light of the manuscript material in the British Museum (Natural History). The Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 7(4), 343–368.

    Cleevely, R. J. (1995) Some “malacological pioneers” and their links with the transition of shell-collecting to conchology during the first half of the nineteenth century. Archives of Natural History, 22(3), 385–418.

    Cleevely, R. J. (2004) Sowerby, George Brettingham, the first (1788-1854), pp. 728–730. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 51. Oxford University Press, Oxford. xvi + 1,008 pp.

    Clench, W. J. (1957) A catalogue of the Cerionidae (Mollusca–Pulmonata). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 116(2), 121–169)

    Clench, W. J., Aguayo, C. G. & Turner, R. D. (1947–1948) The West-Indian marine shells with some remarks…by H. Krebs 1864. A republication. Revista de la Sociedad Malacologica “Carlos de la Torre, 5(1), 23–40; 5(2), 59–80; 5(3), 91–116 (1947); 6(1), 11–48 (1948).

    Clench, W. J. & Turner, R. D. (1952) The genera Epitonium (Part II), Depressiscala, Cylindriscala, Nystiella and Solutiscala in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia, 2(31), 289–356.

    Clench, W. J. & Turner, R. D. (1953) The genera Epitonium, Opalia and Cylindriscala in the western Atlantic [review number]. Johnsonia, 2(32), 361–363.

    Clessin, S. (1899) Die Familie Aplysiidae. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, 1, (8), 1–58, pls. 1–14.

    Coan, E.V. & Kabat, A. (2002) Notice and comments on a paper about C. T. Hanley. The Festivus, 34(8), 101–103.

    Coan, E.V., Kabat, A. & Petit, R.E. (2008) 2,400 Years of Malacology. 5th Edition. World Wide Web. 721 pp. [] (Last accessed 22 December 2008.)

    Coan, E. V. & Petit, R. E. (2006) Replacement names and type material: examples from Hertlein and Strong (1940–1951) and Keen (1958). The Nautilus, 120(3), 112–115.

    Coan, E. V. & Valentich-Scott, P. (2008) Three nomenclatural notes on Panamic bivalves. The Festivus, 40(4), 49–54.

    C[ollins], J. (1969) Supplementa Sowerbiana; or, a catalogue of books and manuscripts written or illustrated by members of the Sowerby family. Supplement to Bernard Quaritch’s Catalogue No. 894. Bernard Quaritch Ltd., London. 20 pp.

    Conrad, T. A. (1833) On some new fossil and recent shells of the United States. The American Journal of Science and Arts, 23(2), 339–346.

    Coomans, H.E., Moolenbeek, R.G. & Wils, E. (1979) Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 2. adansoni to albuquerquei. Basteria, 43(5–6), 81–105.

    Coomans, H.E., Moolenbeek, R.G. & Wils, E. (1980) Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 3. albus to antillarum with the description of Conus algoensis agulhasi, nov. subspecies. Basteria, 44(1–4), 17–49.

    Coomans, H.E., Moolenbeek, R.G. & Wils, E. (1983) Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 6. cabritii to cinerus. Basteria, 47(5–6), 67–143.

    Cossmann, M. (1924) Essais de Paléoconchologie Comparée. Les Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. Volume 13. 345 pp., 11 pls.

    Costa, O. G. (1829) Catalogo sistematico e ragionato de Testacei delle due Sicilie. Napoli. 8 + cxxxii pp., 2 pls. [not seen]

    Costeloe, M. P. (2008) William Bullock. Connoisseur and virtuoso of the Egyptian Hall: Piccadilly to Mexico (1773–1849). HiPlam, Bristol. [vi] + 244 pp. + 16 pls.

    Cowie, R. H. & Thiengo, S. C. (2003) The apple snails of the Americas (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae: Asolene, Felipponea, Marisa, Pomacea, Pomella): A nomenclatural and type catalogue. Malacologia, 45(1), 41–100.

    Crosse, H. (1870a) Ne sutor ultra crepidam! Journal de Conchyliologie, 18, 251–260.

    Crosse, H. (1870b) Diagnoses molluscorum novorum. Journal de Conchyliologie, 18, 301–304.

    Crosse, H. (1878) Diagnoses generis novi Pneumonopomorum et Volutae novae. Journal de Conchyliologie, 26, 163–166.

    Crosse, H. (1896) Nécrologie [Claude Emile Bayle]. Journal de Conchyliologie, 44(1), 109–110.

    Crosse, H. and Fischer, P. (1880) Diagnoses molluscorum novorum, Guatemalae et reipublicae Mexicanae incolarum. Journal de Conchyliologie, 27(4), 341–343.

    Dall, W.H. (1871) On the limpets; with special reference to the species of the West coast of America, and to a more natural classification of the group. American Journal of Conchology, 6(3), 227–281, pls. 14–17.

    Dall, W.H. (1887) Supplementary notes of some species of mollusks of the Bering Sea and vicinity. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 9, 297–309, pls. 3–4.

    Dall, W.H. (1889) [Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877–78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879–80) by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer “Blake”, Lieut.-Commander C.D. Sigsbee, U.S.N., and Commander J.R. Bartlett, U.S.N., commanding.] XXIX. Report on the Mollusca. Part II. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 18, 1–492, pls. 10–40.

    Dall, W.H. (1901) Synopsis of the family Cardiidae and of the North American Species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 23(1214), 381–392. [Imprinted 1890; published 2 January 1891.]

    Dall, W.H. (1902) Synopsis of the family Veneridae and of the North American Species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 26(1312), 335–412, pls. 12–16.

    Dall, W.H. (1909) Report on a collection of shells from Peru, with a summary of the littoral marine Mollusca of the Peruvian zoological province. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 37(1704), 147–294, pls. 20–28.

    Dall, W.H. (1915) On some generic names first mentioned in the "Conchological Illustrations." Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 48(2079), 437–440.

    Dall, W.H. (1916) Checklist of the recent bivalve mollusks (Pelecypoda) of the northwest coast of America from the Polar Sea to San Diego, California. Southwest Museum, Los Angeles. 44 pp.

    Dance, S.P. (1966) Shell Collecting. An Illustrated History. Faber and Faber, London: 344 pp., 35 plates.

    Dance, S.P. (1986) A history of shell collecting. E.J. Brill, Leiden. xv, 265 pp., 32 pls.

    Darwin, C.R. (1842) The structure and distribution of coral reefs : being the first part of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. Smith, Elder and Co., London. xii + 214 pp., 3 folded maps. [Listed here only because it is included in the 1851 reissue of all three parts.]

    Darwin, C.R. (1844) Geological observations on the volcanic islands, visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, together with some brief notices on the geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. Being the second part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. Smith, Elder and Co., London. vi, [i], 175 pp., map. [Includes Appendix: Description of fossil shells, by G.B. Sowerby, pp. 153–160 (From a Tertiary deposit at St. Jago, in the Cape de Verde group, pp. 153–154, Extinct land-shells from St. Helena, pp. 155–158, From the Palaeozoic formation of Van Diemen’s Land, pp. 158–160); Description of fossil corals from the Palaeozoic formation of Van Diemen’s Land, by W. Lonsdale, pp. 161–169.]

    Darwin, C. R. (1846) Geological observations on South America. Being the third part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. Smith, Elder and Co., London. vii, [i], 279 pp., 5 pls. [Includes Appendix: G.B. Sowerby I, Descriptions of Tertiary fossil shells from South America, 249–264 (+ 265, 267), pls. 2–5; E. Forbes, Descriptions of Secondary fossil shells from South America, 265–268.]

    Darwin, C. R. (1851a) Geological observations on coral reefs, volcanic islands, and on South America : being the geology of the voyage of the Beagle under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. Smith, Elder and Co., London. [A reissue, with a covering title, of the 1842, 1844 and 1846 works listed above. Each of the three received a Part title with no change in pagination.]

    Darwin, C. (1851b) A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidae; or, pedunculated cirripedes. The Ray Society, London. xi + 400 pp., 11 pls.

    Darwin, C. R. (1876) Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. ‘Beagle.’ Second Edition. Smith, Elder and Co., London. xiii, 647 pp., 5 pls., 2 maps. [A reissue of the 1844 and 1846 works.]

    Darwin, C. R. (1897) Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. ‘Beagle.’ Third Edition. D. Appleton and Co., New York. xiii, 648 pp., 5 pls., 2 maps. [Although termed a Third Edition it is identical to the Second Edition with only minor differences. There is no change in type or pagination before the index which was reset in a slightly different type and expanded onto previously blank page 647. Sowerby’s name has been deleted from the plates. Two typographical errors in the 1844 work, referring to Sowerby as “Mr. G. R. Sowerby” remain unchanged in 1876 and 1897.]

    Daudin, [F. M.] (1800) Nouveau genre de ver à tube calcaire, voisin des serpules et des dentales. Bulletin des Sciences par la Société Philomatique, (2)43, 145, pl. 11.

    Dautzenberg, P. (1937) Résultat scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique. Gastéropodes marins 3: Famille Conidae. Mémoires du Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Hors sér. 2, 18, 1–284, pls. 1–3.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1824) Note sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Néritacées, (1). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1, 187–192.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1830) Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire naturelle des vers. Mme Veuve Agasse, Paris. 2(1), 1–256.

    Deshayes, G.P. (1843) Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. Deuxieme Édition. J.B. Ballière, Paris. Vol. 9, 728 pp.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1853) Catalogue of the conchifera or bivalve shells in the collection of the British Museum. Part 1. Veneridae, Cyprinidae and Glauconomidae. British Museum, London. 216 pp.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1854) Descriptions of new species of shells in the collection of Mr. Cuming. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 21, 1–11, pls. 18–19.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1855a) Descriptions of new species of shells, from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 22, 62–72.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1855b) Descriptions of new shells from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 22, 317–371.

    Deshayes, G. P. (1856) Sur le genre Scintilla. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 23, 171–181. (5 January)

    Deshayes, G. P. (1863) Catalogue des mollusques de l’Ile de la Réunion (Bourbon). Dentu [corrected to J.B. Ballière et fils on pasted-in slip], Paris. 144 pp., 14 pls.

    Desmarest, A. G. (1812) Mémoire sur deux genres de coquilles fossiles cloisonnées et à syphon. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Physiques, de Médecine et d’Agriculture d’Orlean, Naturelle, 5, 308–324.

    Desmond, A. & Moore, J. (1991) Darwin. Warner Books, New York. xxi + 808 pp.

    Dillwyn, L.W. (1817) A descriptive catalogue of Recent shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method; with particular attention to the synonymy. J. & A. Arch, London. 2 vols. (1, i–xii, 1–580; 2, 581–1092, [29])

    d’Orbigny, A. (1835) Synopsis terrestrium et fluviatilium molluscorum, in suo per Americam meridionalem itinere. Magasin de Zoologie, 5(61–62), 1–44.

    d’Orbigny, A. (1850–52) Prodrome de Paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques & rayonnés faisant suite au cours élémentaire de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphiques. Victor Masson, Paris. 3 volumes. [1, i–lx, 1–394

    (1850a); 2, 1–428 (1850b); 3, 1–196 + 1–190 [index] (1852).]

    Dunker, W. (1852) Diagnoses Molluscorum novorum. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, 9, 189–191.

    Dunker, W. (1861) Mollusca Japonica descripta et tabulis tribus iconum illustrata. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgartiae. 36 pp., 3 pls.

    Elliott, G. F. (1970) The two London Clay Clubs 1836–1847, and 1923–1940. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 5(5), 333–339.

    Faber, M. (1991) Nogmaals Galeomma turtoni. Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 259, 818–821.

    Férussac, [A. E. J. d’A de] (1821) Tableaux systématiques des animaux mollusques classés en familles naturelles, dans lesquels on a établi la concordance de tous les systèmes; suivis d’un Prodrome général pour tous les mollusques terrestres ou fluviatiles, vivants ou fossiles. Arthus Bertrand, Paris. I, 1–27; II, 1–90; III, 91–110.

    Férussac, [A. E. J. d’A de] (1823) Notice sur les Ethéries trouvées dans le Nil par M. Cailliaud et sur quelques autres coquilles recueillies par ce voyageur en Egypte, en Nubie et en Ethiopie, Memoires de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, 1, 353–366.

    Férussac, [A. E. J. d’A de] (1835) Catalogue des coquilles bivalves de l’Amerique du nord. Magasin de Zoologie, 5(59–60), 25–36.

    Filmer, R. M. (2001) A catalogue of nomenclature and taxonomy in the living Conidae 1758—1998. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 338 pp.

    Fischer, P. (1880–87) Manuel de conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique. F. Savy, Paris. xxiv + 1369 pp. [pp. 1–112, 1880; 113–304 + fold-out map, 1881; 305–416, 1882; 417–608, 1883; 609–688, 1884; 689–896, 1885; 897–1008, 1886; 1009–1369, i–xxiv, pls. 1–23, 1887]

    Fischer de Waldheim, G. (1807) Muséum Démidoff, ou catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l’art. Moscow. Tome 3, 330 pp. [Mollusques, pp. 102–280; other parts not seen.]

    Fischer de Waldheim, G. (1835) Lettre à M. le Baron de Férussac sur quelques genres de coquilles du Museum Demidoff et en particulier sur quelques fossiles de la Crimée. Société Impériale des Naturalistes, Bulletin, 8, 101–119, pls. 1–5.

    Fischer-Piette, E. (1942) Les mollusques d’Adanson. Journal de Conchyliologie, 85, 101–377, pls. 1–16.

    Fischer-Piette, E. (1974) Sur des Veneridae de l’Océan Indien Occidental (Mollusca, Pelecypoda). Tethys, 5(2–3), 267–316.

    Fleming, J. (1828) A history of British animals. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh and James Duncan, London. xxiii + 554 pp.

    Forbes, E. (1846) Report on the fossil invertebrata from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, (2)7, 97–174, pls. 7–19.

    Frembly, J. (1827) A description of several new species of chitones, found on the coast of Chili, in 1825; with a few remarks on taking and preserving them. Zoological Journal, 3, 193–205, Supp. pls. 16–17.

    Friele, H. (1877) Tungebevaebningen hos de Norske Rhipidoglossa. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, 2, 299–317, 5 pls.

    Fulton, H. C. (1915) Molluscan notes. II. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 11(6), 324–326.

    Gabb, W. M. (1861) Synopsis of the Mollusca of the Cretaceous Formation, including the geographical and stratigraphical range and synonymy. C. Sherman & Son, Philadelphia. 201 pp.

    Gabb, W. M. (1873) On the topography and geology of Santo Domingo. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new series, 15, 49–259, 2 maps.

    Gage, A. T. (1938) A history of The Linnean Society of London. Linnean Society, London. x + 175 pp.

    Gage, A. T. & Stearn, W. T. (1988) A bicentenary history of The Linnean Society of London. Linnean Society, London. ix + 242 pp.

    Gaskoin, J. S. (1836) Descriptions of new species of Cypraea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 3, 198–204.

    Geiser, S. W. (1912) The Tritogonia tuberculata muddle. American Midland Naturalist, 2(8), 188–193.

    Gittenberger, E. (1991a) Wie mort als auteur van Galeomma turtoni gelden? Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 259, 821–822.

    Gittenberger, E. (1991b) The authorship of the species group name Galeomma turtoni (Bivalvia: Galeommatacea). Basteria, 55, 89.

    Gmelin, J. F. (1791) Caroli a Linné Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae. Editio decima tertia. Lipsiae. Vol. 1, pt. 6 (Vermes), 3021–3910.

    Goldfuss, G. A. (1820) Handbuch der Zoologie. J.L. Schrag, Nürnberg. Part 1, i–xxiv + 1–510.

    Gould, A. A. (1839) [Descriptions of species of shells]. The American Journal of Science and Arts, 38, 196–197.

    Gould, A. A. (1841) Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Folsom, Wells, and Thurston, Cambridge. vi + 373 pp., 15 pls.

    Gould, A. A. (1847) [Descriptions of shells collected by the United States Exploring Expedition under the command of Charles Wilkes.] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 2(December), 251–252.

    Gould, A. A. (1859) Descriptions of shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 7, 138–142.

    Gould, A. A. (1861) Descriptions of shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 7, 385–389.

    Grateloup, J. P. S. de (1840) Mémoire descriptif sur plusiers espèces de coquilles nouvelles ou peu connues de mollusques exotiques vivants, terrestres, fluviatiles, et marins. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 11, 389–455.

    Gray, J. E. (1824a) Monograph of the genus Helicina. The Zoological Journal, 1(1), 62–71, pl. 6.

    Gray, J. E. (1824b) Monograph on the Cypraeidae, a family of testaceous Mollusca. (part). The Zoological Journal, 1(3), 367–391, pl. 12.

    Gray, J. E. (1825) A list and description of some species of shells not taken notice of by Lamarck. The Annals of Philosophy, new series, 9, 134–140, 407–415..

    Gray, J. E. (1826) Mollusca. pp. 474–496. In: King, P.P., Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia performed between the years 1818 and 1822. J. Murray, London. Vol. 2.

    Gray, J. E. (1827) Monograph on the Cypraeidae, a family of testaceous Mollusca. (part). The Zoological Journal, 3, 363–370.

    Gray, J. E. (1828) Descriptions of mollusks. Spicilegia Zoologica, 1, 1–8.

    Gray, J. E. (1831) Description of some new species of Cowries, as an addition to the monograph in the Zoological Journal. The Zoological Miscellany, 1, 35–36.

    Gray, J. E. (1834) Specimens of several shells, referred to a genus to be separated from Helix under the name of Nanina. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 2, 58–59.

    Gray, J. E. (1837) [Mr. Gray’s genera of Máctraedae]. The Magazine of Natural History, new series, 1, 335.

    Gray, J. E. (1838) Ueber die Familie des Trogmuschels (Mactradae Gray). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 4, 86–95.

    Gray, J.E. (1839a) [Review of] A Conchological Manual, by G.B. Sowerby, Jun. The Athenaeum, 591, 153. (23 February)

    Gray, J. E. (1839b) On a new British shell. Report of the Eighth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Notices and abstracts of communications, 110–111.

    Gray, J. E. (1839c) Molluscous animals and their shells. pp. [103]–155, plates 33–44. In: Beechey, F. W., The zoology of Capt. Beechey's voyage . . . to the Pacific and Behrings's Straits . . . in . . . 1825–28. H. G. Bohn, London. [See discussion and collation herein.]

    Gray, J. E. (1840a) Notes on Dr. Philippi’s Zoological Notices in the preceding article. Annals of Natural History, 4, 305–307. (1 January)

    Gray, J. E. (1840b) [Mollusca], pp. 86–89, 106–156. In: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum [42nd ed.]. G. Woodfall and Son, London.

    Gray, J. E. (1842) [Mollusca], pp. 48–92, In: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum [44th ed.]. G. Woodfall and Son, London.

    Gray, J. E. (1847) A list of the genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 15, 129–219.

    Gray, J. E. (1850) Nomenclature of molluscous animals and shells in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Cyclophoridae. London. 69 pp.

    Gray, J. E. (1855) List of the Mollusca in the collection of the British Museum. Part 1. Volutidae. Taylor and Francis, London. [ii] + 23 pp.

    Gray, J. E. (1864) Some observations on the genus Amoria, with descriptions of some new varieties. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 3, 14, 236–237.

    Griffin, M. & Nielsen, S. N. (2008) A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d’Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846) and Hupé (1854). Journal of Systematic Paleontology, 6(3), 251–316.

    Griffin, M. & Pastorino, G. (2005) The genus Trophon Montfort, 1810 (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in the Tertiary of Patagonia. Journal of Paleontology, 79(2), 296–311.

    Griffith, E. & Pidgeon, E. ([1833]–34) The Mollusca and Radiata. Vol. 12, in: E. Griffith, ed., [1824]-1835, The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier, member of the Institute of France, &c. &c. &c. with supplementary additions to each order, by Edward Griffith, F.L.S., A.S., corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, &c. and others. Whittaker and Co., London. viii + 601 pp., 61 pls.

    Guppy, R. J. L. (1867) On the Tertiary fossils of the West Indies with especial reference to the classification of the Kainozoic rocks of Trinidad. Scientific Association of Trinidad, Proceedings, 1(3), 145–176. [reprinted Bulletins of American Paleontology, 8(35), 172–203]

    Hanley, S. (1845) Descriptions of three new species of bivalves of the genera Cytherea and Venus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 13, 21–22.

    Hanley, S. (1854–1858) The Conchological Miscellany. Williams and Norgate, London. 40 pls. with 11 unnumbered plate explanation pages. [see under Publications of Others herein]

    Hanley, S. (1859) Description of new univalve shells from the collections of H. Cuming and Sylvanus Hanley. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 27, 429–431.

    Hanley, S. (1860a) Description of new Nuculidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 28, 440–442.

    Hanley, S. (1860b) List of Ceylon shells. pp. 235–243. In: J. E. Tennent, Ceylon: an account of the island, physical, historical, and topographical with notices of its natural history, antiquities and productions. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, London. 2 vols.

    Hayes, B. (1992) Cones of the eastern Cape Province, South Africa. World Shells, 3, 45–50.

    Hedley, C. (1903) Scientific Results of the Trawling Expedition of H.M.C.S. “Thetis,” off the coast of New South Wales in February and March, 1898. Mollusca. Part 2. Scaphopoda and Gastropoda. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, 4, 327–402, pls. 36–38.

    Hedley, C. (1916) A preliminary index of the Mollusca of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 1, 1–77.

    Hedley, C. (1918) A check-list of the marine fauna of New South Wales. Part I. Mollusca. Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 51(Supplement), M1–M120.

    Hedley, C. (1922) A revision of the Australian Turridae. Records of the Australian Museum, 13(6), 213–359, pls. 42–56.

    Held, F. (1837) Notizen über die Wiechtiere Bayerns. Isis (Oken), 1837 (4), 303–309; (12), 901–919. [not seen]

    Herrmannsen, A.N. (1846–52) Indicis generum malacozoorum primordia. T. Fischer, Casellis [Kassel]. 1, i–xxvii, 1–232 (1846); 233–637 (1847a); 2, 1–352 (1847b); 353–492 (1848); xxix–xlii, 493–717 (1849); 3 (Supplementa et corrigenda), v, 1–140 (1852)

    Hertlein, L. G. & Strong, A. M. (1951) Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLIII. Mollusks from the west coast of Mexico and Central America. Part X. New York Zoological Society, Zoologica, 36(2), 66–120, 11 pls.

    Heyden, C. von (1826) Versuch einer systematischen eintheiling der Acariden. Isis (Oken), 18(6), 608–613. [not seen]

    Hidalgo, J. G. (1867) Catalogue des Molllusques testacés marins des côtes de l’Espagne et des îles Baléares,—suite. Journal de Conchyliologie, 14(4), 357–426.

    Hidalgo, J. G. (1903) Obras Malacológicas. Parte I. Estudios preliminares sobre la fauna malacológico de las Islas Filipinas. Tomo II. L. Aguado, Madrid. v + 400 pp.

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    Hinds, R. B. (1844) Descriptions of Marginellae collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, and from the collection of Mr. Cuming. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 12, 72–77.

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    Hupé, H. (1854) Malacología y conquiliología. In: C. Gay (ed.). Historia física y política de Chile. Lesauvage, Paris. Vol. 8, Zoologia, 5–385, Atlas 2, Conquiliología, pls. 1–6, Malacología, pls. 1–8.

    Hupé, H. (1857) Mollusques. 96 pp., pls. In: Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis pendant l’expédition dans les parties centrales del l’Amerique du Sud … sous la direction du Comte Francis de Castelnau. Paris.

    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1956a) Direction 32. Addition to the Official List of Works Approved as Available for Zoological Nomenclature of the titles of certain works dealt with in Opinions rendered in the period up to the end of 1936 and to the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Works in Zoological Nomenclature of certain works similarly dealt with in the same period and matters incidental thereto. Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1C(C.21), 307–328.

    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1956b) Opinion 417. Rejection for nomenclatorial purposes of volume 3 (Zoologie) of the work of Lorenz Oken entitled Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte published in 1815–1816. Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 14(1), 1–42.

    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1987) Opinion 1429. A ruling on the authorship and dates of the Sowerbys’ Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 44(1), 64–67.

    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1993) Opinion 1699. Conus fulmen Reeve, 1843 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific name conserved, and Conus berghausi Michelotti, 1847 given precedence over C. demissus Philippi, 1836. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 50(1), 59–60.

    International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth edition. I.T.Z.N., London. xxix + 306 pp.

    Iredale, T. (1914) The Chiton fauna of the Kermadec Islands. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 11, 25–51, pls. 1–2.

    Iredale, T. (1922) Book notes. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 15, 78–92.

    Iredale, T. (1929) Queensland mollusca notes, No. 1. Memoires of the Queensland Museum, 10, 261–297, pls. 30–31.

    Jeffreys, J. G. (1839) A list of marine Mollusca taken during a few days stay at Oban, in Argyleshire, in the autumn of 1838. The Malacological and Conchological Magazine, 2, 33–46.

    Jeffreys, J. G. (1847) Descriptions and notices of British shells. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 19, 309–314.

    Jeffreys, J. G. (1862) British conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding Seas. Volume 1. Land and freshwater shells. John van Voorst, London. cxiv + 341 pp., 8 pls.

    Joannis, [L. de] (1835) Cyrénoide. Cyrenoida. Joannis. Magasin de Zoologie, 5, [2] pp., pl. 64.

    Johnson, R. I. (1971) The types and figured specimens of Unionacea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 20(3), 7–108, pls. 1–2.

    Johnston, G. (1833) Illustrations in British zoology. The Magazine of Natural History, 6, 232–235.

    Jonas, J. H. (1847) Description of two new shells. (Pyrula idoleum, Anomia naviformis). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 14, (for 1846), 120–121. (26 January 1847)

    Jousseaume, F. P. (1875) Coquilles de la famille des marginelles. Monographie. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, ser. 3, 3, 164–271, 429–435, pls. 7–8

    Kaas, P. & Van Belle, R. A. (1990) Monograph of Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Volume 4. E. J. Brill, Leiden. 298 pp.

    Kaas, P. , Van Belle, R. A. & Strack, H. L. (2006) Monograph of Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Volume 6. E. J. Brill, Leiden. 463 pp.

    Kabat, A. R. (1990) Species of Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) described by Linnaeus in the Systema Naturae (1758). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100, 1–25.

    Kabat, A. R. & Boss, K. J. (1997) Karl Eduard von Martens (1831–1904): his life and works. Department of Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. vii + 417 pp.

    Kaicher, S. D. (1980) Pack #23—Epitoniidae Part I. Card catalogue of world-wide shells. Cards 2285–2391.

    Kay, E. A. (1964) The Aplysiidae of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 36(3), 173–190, pl. 8.

    Kay, E. A. (1979) Hawaiian marine shells. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication, 64(4), i–xvii, 1–653.

    Keen, A. M. (1958) Sea shells of tropical west America. Stanford University Press, Stanford. viii + 624 pp., 10 pls.

    Keen, A. M. (1971) Sea shells of tropical west America. 2nd Edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford. xiv + 1,064 pp., 22 pls.

    Kennard, A. S. & Woodward, B. B. (1899) Notes on Paludestrina jenkinsi (Smith) and P. confusa (Frauenf.). Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 3(6), 297–300.

    Kennard, A. S. & Woodward, B. B. (1928) Notes on a copy of Capt. Thos. Brown’s Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, first edition, 1827, in the original wrappers. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 18(1), 36–38.

    Kiener, L.C. (1834–79) Species général et iconographie des coquilles vivantes ... (continué par ... P. Fischer). Paris. 11 volumes. [For collation and dates see Sherborn & Woodward 1901.]

    Kilburn, R. & Rippey, E. (1982) Sea shells of Southern Africa. Macmillan South Africa Ltd., Johannesburg. [xi] + 249 pp.

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    [Krebs, H.] (1864) The West-Indian marine shells with some remarks. W. Laub’s widow & Chr. Jorgensen, Nykjobing, Falster. 137 pp. [not seen; consulted from the reprint by Clench, Aguayo & Turner, 1947–1948, q.v.]

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