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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-09-04
Page range: 41–57
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The ant genus Stenamma Westwood (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) redefined, with a description of a new genus Propodilobus

Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Hymenoptera ant taxonomy molecular phylogenetics Myrmicinae Stenamma Lordomyrma Propodilobus


The myrmicine ant genus Stenamma Westwood is redefined and a new diagnosis of the worker caste is presented. Justified by both morphology and molecular data, two species are removed from Stenamma and transferred to the genus Lordomyrma Emery: L. bhutanensis (Baroni Urbani) comb. n. and L. sinensis (Ma, Xu, Makio & DuBois) comb. n. Based on compelling differences in morphology, a third species originally described in Stenamma is transferred to the genus Propodilobus gen. n.: P. pingorum (DuBois) comb. n. Molecular results also indicate that Stenamma, as newly defined here, is a monophyletic genus that forms a clade with Aphaenogaster Mayr and Messor Forel. Additional notes on the diversity and distributions of Stenamma, Lordomyrma, and Propodilobus are provided.


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