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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-10-08
Page range: 393–424
Abstract views: 61
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Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, National University of Ireland Cork, Enterprise Centre, Lee Fields, Cork, Ireland
University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, 703 East Beach Drive, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564, USA
Crustacea Amphipoda Dexaminidae Great Barrier Reef Australia taxonomy new species Dexaminoculus grobbeni Guernea ipilya Guernea yamminye Paradexamine aequiserrata Paradexamine exilis Paradexamine levitelson Paradexamine massa


Four genera and 11 species of dexaminids are reported from the Great Barrier Reef. Of these, three species (Dexaminoculus grobbeni (Spandl, 1923), Guernea ipilya Thomas & Barnard, 1991, G. yamminye Thomas & Barnard, 1991) have been previously encountered on the Reef, seven species (six Paradexamine, one Polycheria) are new to science and one species (Paradexamine micronesicus Ledoyer, 1979) is reported for the first time from Australian waters. All species are described and illustrated.


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