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Type: Articles
Published: 2009-12-22
Page range: 1–71
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A review of the Dardanus sinistripes (Stimpson, 1859) (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) species complex with the description of five new species from the Mexican Pacific

Laboratorio de Invertebrados Bentónicos, Unidad Académica Mazatlán. Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Postgraduate Programme, ICML, UNAM
Postgraduate Programme, ICML, UNAM
Crustacea Decapoda Anomura Diogenidae Dardanus sinistripes hermit crabs species complex Eastern Pacific


An exhaustive revision of material identified as Dardanus sinistripes (Stimpson, 1859) in collections in Mexico and the USA, and of new material of Dardanus collected in several localities in the Eastern Pacific revealed the existence of five undescribed species closely related to D. sinistripes. Detailed study of this material allows us to redescribe D. sinistripes based on a neotype selected from a locality in Panama, and to describe D. nudus n. sp., D. stimpsoni n. sp., D. janethaigae n. sp., D. pilosus n. sp. and D. magdalenensis n. sp. The six species of the genus Dardanus in the Eastern Pacific are fully illustrated and compared.


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