The chromosome set of Chironomus crassimanus Strenzke, 1959 and pictures of its salivary gland chromosomes were presented by Keyl and Keyl (1959) and Keyl (1962). Keyl (1962) described the band sequence of chromosome AE compared with that of other Chironomus species. Later, Michailova (1989) described the chromosome markers of this species using material from Bulgaria. Martin (2006) indicated that the banding patterns of arms A and E of Chironomus acerbiphilus Tokunaga, 1939 are as in C. crassimanus and consequently suggested synonymy. Our study presents the karyotype of Chironomus acerbiphilus (= C. crassimanus) from Poland. This species is new for the Polish fauna.
Atchley, W.R. & Martin, J. (1971) A morphometric analysis of differential sexual dimorphism in larvae of Chironomus (Diptera). The Canadian Entomologist, 103, 319–327.
Devai, Gy., Miscilczi, M. & Wülker, W. (1989) Standarization of chromosome arms B, C and D in Chironomus (Diptera, Chironomidae). Acta Biologica Debrecina, Supplementum Oecologica Hungarica 2, 79–92.
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Keyl, H. (1960) Die cytologische Diagnostik der Chironomiden. II. Diagnosen der Geschwisterarten Chironomus acidophilus n. sp. und Ch. uliginosus n. sp. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 57, 187–195.
Keyl, H. (1962) Chromosomenevolution bei Chironomus. II. Chromosomenumbauten und phylogenetische Beziehungen der Arten. Chromosoma, 13, 464–514.
Keyl, H. & Keyl, I. (1959) Die cytologische Diagnostik der Chironomiden. Bestimungstabelle fur die Gattung Chironomus auf Grind der Speicheldrusen-chromosomen. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 56, 43–57.
Martin, J. (2006). North American Cytospecies of the genus Chironomus (includes Camptochironomus, Chaetolabis and Einfeldia). Available from: http://www.genetics.unimelb.edu.au/Martin/NACytfiles/NACytospecies07.pdf (accessed: 12th Dec. 2008)
Michailova, P. (1989) The polytene chromosomes and their significance to the systematics of the family Chironomidae, Diptera. Acta Zooogica Fennica, 186, 1–107.
Sublette, J.E. & Sublette, M.F. (1974) A review of the genus Chironomus (Diptera, Chironomidae) V. The maturus-complex. Studies of Natural Sciences, Portales, New Mexico, 1(8), 1–41.
Wülker, W. (1980) Basic patterns in the chromosome evolution of the genus Chironomus (Diptera). Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, 2, 112–123.