The pontoniine genus Allopontonia Bruce, 1972 has so far been represented by only a single species, A. iaini Bruce, 1972, a shallow water echinoderm associate (Bruce, 1972). First described from Zanzibar, it is one of the relatively few pontoniine species found in both the Indo-West Pacific and the Eastern Pacific regions (Wicksten 2000; Bruce 1987). The discovery of a second species is therefore of interest and an illustrated description is here provided. The single specimen was collected in the course of a CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) survey of the benthic fauna of the Australian Northwest Shelf region, Western Australia, by the fisheries research vessel Southern Surveyor and is held in the collection of the Museum Victoria. I am most grateful to Anna McCallum for the opportunity to study this specimen. Felicity McEnnulty provided the identification of the host echinoid.
Bruce, A.J. (1972) Notes on Indo-Pacific Pontoniinae XIX. Allopontonia iaini gen. nov., sp. nov., a new echinoid associate from Zanzibar (Decapod, Caridea). Crustaceana, 22(1), 1–12.
Bruce, A.J. (1987) The occurrence of Indo-West Pacific shrimp, Allopontonia iaini Bruce, in Mexican waters (Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Crustaceana, 53(3), 306–307.
Bruce, A.J. (1995) A Synopsis of the Indo-West Pacific Genera of the Pontoniinae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae). Theses Zoologicae, 25(for 1994), 1–72.
De Grave, S. (2001) Biogeography of Indo-Pacific Pontoniinae (Crustacea, Decapoda): a PAE analysis. Journal of Biogeography, 28, 1239–1253.
Döderlein, L. (1902) Bericht über die von Herrn Professor Semon bei Amboina und Thursday Island gesammelten Echinoidea. Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 8, 683–726.
Kingsley, J.S. (1879) List of the North American Crustacea belonging to the suborder Caridea. Bulletin of the Essex Institute, 10 (for 1878), 53–71.
Rafinesque, C.S. (1815) Analyse de la Nature ou Tableau de l'Univers et des corps organisés, Palerme, 224 pp.
Wicksten, M.K. (2000) Range extensions, taxonomic notes and zoogeography of symbiotic shrimps of the tropical Eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 99(2), 91–100.