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Type: Article
Published: 2004-06-11
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Chiridota heheva, new species, from Western Atlantic deep-sea cold seeps and anthropogenic habitats (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida)

National Museum of Natural History, Mail Stop MRC163, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20013-7012
National Museum of Natural History, Mail Stop MRC163, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20013-7012
Echinodermata Chiridota heheva cold seeps Western Atlantic Holothuroidea Apodida


Chiridota heheva new species is described from cold seeps off Georgia and Florida, a shipwreck off Georgia, and an artificial wood-block habitat near Puerto Rico, in bathyal-abyssal depths of 2,200 3,300 meters. C. heheva is similar in some respects to C. hydrothermica Smirnov & Gebruk from Western and Southeastern Pacific hydrothermal vents, but it differs in structure of the tentacles and in color.


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