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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-03-12
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New genera, species and host plant records of Nearctic and Neotropical Tephritidae (Diptera)

Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, c/o Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA
Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, P.O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614-7100, USA
Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, P.O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614-7100, USA
Laboratorio de Entomologia Sistematica, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Apartado Postal 82, 01901 Guatemala, Guatemala
Diptera Tephritidae Tephritinae taxonomy host plant Asteraceae


Three new genera and five new species of Tephritidae (Diptera) are described from the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions. The new genera are: Agallamyia Norrbom (type species: A. pendula Norrbom, n. sp.), Neosphaeniscus Norrbom (type species: Euribia m-nigrum Hendel), and Phacelochaeta Norrbom (type species: Procecidochares quinquefasciata Hendel). The new species include: Acidogona stecki Norrbom (Guatemala, Mexico: Chiapas), Agallamyia pendula Norrbom (Guatemala), Phacelochaeta obliqua Norrbom (Ecuador), Procecidochares suttoni Norrbom (Guatemala), Stenopa mexicana Norrbom (Mexico). Five new generic synonyms are proposed: Cecidocharella Hendel, 1936 =4 · Zootaxa 2398 © 2010 Magnolia PressDracontomyia Becker, 1919; Gerrhoceras Hering, 1942 = Pyrgotoides Curran, 1934; Stoneola Hering, 1941 = Rhagoletis Loew, 1862; Strobelia Rondani, 1868 = Rachiptera Bigot, 1859; and Xenochaeta Snow, 1894 = Acidogona Loew, 1873. The following 41 new combinations are proposed: Acidogona dichromata (Snow), Dictyotrypeta crenulata (Wulp), D. incisa (Wulp), Dioxyna crockeri (Curran), Dracontomyia tucumana (Aczél), D. borrichia (Bush & Huettel), and D. elegans (Hendel), Homoeothrix aberrans (Schiner), Neosphaeniscus m-nigrum (Hendel) and N. flexuosus (Bigot), Paracantha trinotata (Foote), Phacelochaeta quinquefasciata (Hendel) and P. quinquevittata (Norrbom), Plaumannimyia ameghinoi (Brèthes), P. coelestina (Hering), P. delicatella (Blanchard), P. difficilis (Malloch), P. dolores (Hering), P. eugenia (Wulp), P. flava (Adams), P. hestiae (Hendel), P. imitatrix (Hering), P. miseta (Hering), P. plagiata (Blanchard), P. scutellata (Séguy), P. setulosa (Malloch), P. subaster (Malloch), P. suspecta (Malloch), P. thomsoni (Hendel), P. titschacki (Hering), and P. valdesiana (Gandolfo & Norrbom), Pyrgotoides paradoxus (Hering) and P. peruvianus (Korytkowski), Rachiptera alboguttata (Hendel), R. baccharidis (Rondani), R. bimaculata (Hendel), R. ferruginea (Hendel), R. lutulenta (Hendel), R. parallela (Hendel), and R. rubiginosa (Rondani), and Rhagoletis fuscobasalis (Hering). A lectotype is designated for R. fuscobasalis. New distribution and host plant records also are reported.


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