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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-03-17
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A taxonomic review of the Palaearctic Tetramorium ferox species-complex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology 1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13. Hungary
Pletschbachstraße 13 D-41540 Dormagen Germany
Hymenoptera ants taxonomy morphometry distribution key biogeography


This revision treats the members of the Palaearctic Tetramorium ferox species-complex on the basis of external morphology and using high precision morphometrics. With this approach we recognize five taxa and six synonyms: Tetramorium aegeum Radchenko, 1992b; Tetramorium densopilosum Radchenko & Arakelian, 1990; Tetramorium diomedeum Emery, 1908; Tetramorium ferox Ruzsky, 1903; and Tetramorium feroxoide Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985. Tetramorium laevior Menozzi, 1936 is synonymized with Tetramorium diomedeum. Tetramorium confinis Radchenko & Arakelian, 1990, Tetramorium perspicax Radchenko, 1992b, and Tetramorium ferox subsp. silhavyi Kratochvil, 1941 are synonymized with Tetramorium ferox. Tetramorium bursakovi Radchenko, 1992a is synonymized with Tetramorium feroxoide. A key and redescriptions for workers and gynes are given. SEM photos for workers and gynes of each species are provided. A morphology-based definition of the species complex for workers, gynes and males is also provided.


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