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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-04-22
Page range: 47–61
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Who’s your mommy? Identifying maternal ancestors of asexual species of Leiolepis Cuvier, 1829 and the description of a new endemic species of asexual Leiolepis Cuvier, 1829 from Southern Vietnam

Department of Biology Villanova University, 800 Lancaster Ave, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 19085 USA
Department of Biology La Sierra University, Riverside, 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, California, 92515 USA
Reptilia asexual Leiolepis maternal ngovantrii new species taxonomy Vietnam


A new asexual species of Leiolepis is described from Binh Chau – Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Xuyen Moc district Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam to where it is believed to be endemic. Leiolepis ngovantrii sp. nov. differs from all sexual species of Leiolepis by lacking males and from all asexual species by having nine rows of enlarged keeled scales across the forearm and 37–40 subdigital lamellae beneath the fourth toe. Phylogenetic inference based on 700 base pairs of the mitochondrial ND2 region, placed L. ngovantrii sp. nov. among the currently described asexual species and was used to assess the maternal ancestors of the remaining asexual species. Both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses recovered L. guttata as the maternal ancestors of L. guentherpetersi, L. boehmei, and L. ngovantrii sp. nov., and L. boehmei as the maternal ancestor to L. triploida.


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