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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-04-23
Page range: 17–32
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A new melanistic species of monitor lizard (Reptilia: Squamata: Varanidae) from Sanana Island, Indonesia

Department of Biosciences, Åbo Akademi University FI-20520 Turku, Finland
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93117-9610 USA
Reptilia Squamata Sauria Varanidae Euprepiosaurus Varanus indicus group taxonomy Sula Islands


A new species of monitor lizard endemic to Sanana Island in the northwestern Moluccas is described from a preserved specimen and field observations. This is the only melanistic member of the Varanus indicus species group, and the only taxon in the subgenus Euprepiosaurus with prominent orange-red markings. Allied to Varanus melinus of nearby Mangole and Taliabu islands in body proportions and scutellation, the new species is convergent with melanistic populations of the Varanus salvator complex from the Sula Platform, Sulawesi and Togian Islands. On Sanana the new species reaches highest densities in coastal sago palm swamps, a habitat type that is underutilized by other species in the V. indicus group elsewhere in the Moluccas.


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