Astyanax stenohalinus Messner, 1962 is redescribed based on type material and new specimens collected in many localities of Argentina and Uruguay. This species is distinguished by a combination of the following characters: possession of hooks in all fins of males, teeth not expanded distally, two or three maxillary teeth, 37–39 perforated scales in the lateral series, 25–30 branched anal-fin rays, and anal-fin origin located before a vertical through last dorsal-fin ray insertions.References
Azpelicueta, M de las M., Mirande, J.M., Almirón, A.E. & Casciotta, J.R. (2003) A new species of Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) from Paraná river basin in Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata, Zoología, 15, 1–12.
Casciotta, J.R., Almirón, A.E. & Azpelicueta, M de las M. (2003) A new species of Astyanax from río Uruguay basin, Argentina (Characiformes, Characidae). Ichthyological explorations of Freshwaters, 14, 329–334.
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