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Published: 2010-05-14
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A redescription of Metopa species (Amphipoda, Stenothoidae) based on the type material. 3. Natural History Museum, Oslo (NHM)

Tromsø University Museum, NO-9037 Tromsø, Norway IRIS, Mekjarvik 12, NO-4070 Randaberg, Norway UNIS, PoBox 156, NO-9171 Longyearbyen, Norway
Crustacea Amphipoda Metopa redescription Natural History Museum Oslo


This paper presents redescriptions of 14 species of the genus Metopa (Stenothoidae) based on the type-collections at the Natural History Museum in Oslo. Type (syntype/holotype) material of Metopa aequicornis, M.borealis, M.leptocarpa, M.palmata, M. propinqua, M. pusilla, M. robusta and M. tenuimana was dissected and examined morphologically. Material from the original authors of M. affinis, M. boeckii, M. invalida, M. longicornis and M. sinuata was also examined morphologically, in addition to Sars’ material of M. alderi, including his type material of the later synonymized M. spectabilis. All species are redescribed using line drawings, and comparisons with the original texts and figures. For the species M. invalida, M. palmata, M. robusta and M. sinuata there are morphologic characters that indicate that they in fact do not belong to the Metopa s str, but any possible changes in classification are postponed pending a phylogenetic analysis of the genera Metopa and Stenula has been performed. A summary of the other species having earlier been designed to Metopa in the Oslo collections is given, with a list of their present taxonomic placing.


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