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Type: Article
Published: 2004-03-31
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Two new species of Opheliidae (Annelida: Polychaeta): Euzonus papillatus sp. n. from a northeastern Brazilian sandy beach and Euzonus mammillatus sp. n. from the continental shelf of southeastern Brazil

Laboratório de Bentos, Centro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Av. Miramar, s/n, CxP 50002, Pontal do Sul, Pontal do Paraná, 83 255 000, Paraná, Brazil
Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Annelida Opheliidae Euzonus papillatus sp. n. Euzonus mammillatus sp. n. Lobochesis new synonym taxonomy NE Brazil SE Brazil


Two new species of Euzonus from the Brazilian coast are described and figured. Both differ from other species of the genus with bifid branchiae in having a dorsoventrally oriented patch or band of papillae dorsal to the notopodia of chaetiger 10. Euzonus papillatus sp. n., from beaches of north and northeastern Brazil, has 20 pairs of branchiae, an oval patch with 3 rows of papillae, and posterior noto-/neuropodia with 5 6 modified spines of a type not previously reported for the family, possibly because the modifications are very delicate and may have been overlooked. Euzonus mammillatus sp. n., from southeastern Brazil, has 18 pairs of branchiae, a band with 2 rows of papillae and no modified spines. Based on information from J. M. Orensanz, the 1974 report of E. furciferus in southeastern Brazil is questioned. The original material could not be located and this record plus a more recent one need to be reconfirmed. Described species of Euzonus and the similar Lobochesis Hutchings & Murray, 1984 are briefly reviewed and the status of the two genera is discussed. We find that the supposed differences are not present and suggest that Lobochesis be considered a junior synonym of Euzonus.


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