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Published: 2010-06-02
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A tentative species list of the European herpetofauna (Amphibia and Reptilia) — an update

Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Kliniekstraat 25, B-1070 Brussels, Belgium
Department of Animal Management, University of Applied Science van Hall-Larenstein, Agora 1, NL-8934 CJ Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
CNRS-UMR 5175 Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionelle et Evolutive, 1919, Route de Mende, F-34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France
Amphibia amphibians reptiles taxonomy nomenclature review Europe


Research on the taxonomy of European amphibians and reptiles has increased noticeably over the last few decades, indicating the need for recognition of new species and the cancellation of others. This paper provides a critical review of recent changes and draws up a tentative species list.


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