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Type: Article
Published: 2004-03-01
Page range: 1–15
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New eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from sedges in Poland and supplement description of Eriophyes lentiginosus Mitrofanov, Sharonov et Sekerskaja, 1983

Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Environmental Biology; Szamarzewskiego 91A, 60-569 Pozna½, Poland
Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Environmental Biology; Szamarzewskiego 91A, 60-569 Pozna½, Poland
Department of Plant Ecology and Environment Protection, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Environmental Biology; Niepodleg»oÑci 14, 61-713 Pozna½, Poland
Acari Cyperaceae Eriophyoidea morphology new hosts new records new species sedges taxonomy


Cupacarus acutivagrans n. sp. is described from Carex acutiformis in Poland. Six eriophyoid mites (Epitrimerus carexis Petanovi , Eriophyes altisonorae (Keifer), Novophytoptus rostratae Roivainen, Phytoptus aquatilis Roivainen, Phytoptus hirtae Roivainen, Eriophyes lentiginosus Mitrofanov, Sharonov et Sekerskaja) are recorded new to the Polish fauna and their host plants are also presented. The male, nymph and larva of E. lentiginosus are described for the first time.


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