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Type: Monograph
Published: 2004-02-18
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Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Banyallarga (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae)

Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada
Trichoptera Calamoceratidae Banyallarga caddisfly Neotropical taxonomy systematics


Systematics of the genus Banyallarga are reviewed. Illustrations, a generic diagnosis, and descriptions are provided for males and females. A new subgenus, Histricoverpa, is recognized. Nine previously described species are recognized: Banyallarga (Banyallarga) argentinica Flint, B. (B.) columbiana (Nav s), B. (B.) loxana (Nav s), B. (B.) vicaria (Walker) B. (B.) villosa (Nav s), B. (B.) yungensis Flint, B. (Histricoverpa) acutiterga (Denning and Hogue), B. (H.) fortuna (Resh), and B. (H.) mollicula (McLachlan). Eight species are described as new: B. (B.) penai (Peru), B. (H.) echinata (Peru), B. (H.) mexicana (Mexico), B. (H.) nica (Nicaragua), B. (H.) quincemil (Peru), B. (H.) sanchezi (Colombia), B. (H.) sylvana (Costa Rica, Nicaragua), and B. (H.) tapanti (Costa Rica). Banyallarga testacea is designated a synonym of B. (B.) vicaria and a neotype of B. testacea is designated to clarify the identity of the genus. The genus Loxinum, formerly considered a synonym of Banyallarga, is designated a synonym of Chimarrhodella (Philopotamidae).


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