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Type: Article
Published: 2004-01-28
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Are hind coxal knobs a synapomorphy for therevids? An unusual new species of Anabarhynchus Macquart from Australia (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae)

Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Box 7613 Raleigh, North Carolina, 27695, USA
Diptera Therevidae Stiletto-fly Asiloidea


A new species of Anabarhynchus Macquart is described and figured from south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Anabarhynchus oblongicornus sp. nov. adults are active in coastal heath and beach fore-dune habitats. This species is notable because of its greatly elongate antennae, and absence of hind coxal knob, which easily differentiates A. oblongicornus sp. nov. from other species in this endemic Australasian genus. The presence of the hind coxal knob has previously been considered synapomorphic for Therevidae+Apsilocephalidae. A review of the presence of this structure in the therevoid clade (Apsilocephalidae+Scenopinidae+Therevidae+Ocoidae) indicates that it is actually plesiomorphic for the entire group, with various examples of secondary reduction or absence in all higher scenopinids and some therevids.


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