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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-10-04
Page range: 32–40
Abstract views: 75
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Descriptions of two new species of Pseudococcidae (Homoptera: Coccinea) and additions to the scale insect fauna of Bulgaria

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
Hemiptera scale insects fauna of Bulgaria new species


Two new species of mealybug, Balanococus balkanicus Gavrilov sp. n. and Phenacoccus alibotush Gavrilov sp. n. (Homoptera: Coccinea: Pseudococcidae) are described and illustrated. In addition 10 species new to the Bulgarian fauna are noted: Atrococcus paludinus (Green), Balanococcus boratynskii Williams, Trionymus radicum (Newstead), Coccura comari (Künow), Heliococcus destructor Borchsenius, Peliococcus balteatus (Green), Phenacoccus pumilus Kiritschenko, Rhizoecus halophilus (Hardy), Phyllostroma myrtilli (Kaltenbach), and Lecanopsis clodiensis (Pellizzari). A new detailed figure of Heliococcus destructor Borchsenius is given. In addition, A. (Eriococcus) melnikensis (Hodgson & Trencheva (2008) is here synonymised with Acanthococcus aceris Signoret (1875), syn. nov.


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