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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-04-13
Page range: 31–41
Abstract views: 92
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Notes on the genus Astinus Stål (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) from Vietnam, with the description of the female of Astinus intermedius Miller

Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road, Beijing 100094, China Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources, Vietnamese Academy of Science & Technology, No. 18 Hoang Quoc Viet. Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road, Beijing 100094, China
Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road, Beijing 100094, China
Hemiptera Astinus Astinus intermedius new record Reduviidae Harpactorinae key Vietnam


Two species of Astinus Stål of the reduviid subfamily Harpactorinae (A. siamensis and A. intermedius) from Vietnam are recognized and keyed. Astinus intermedius Miller, 1954 is reported for the first time from Vietnam. The female of A. intermedius is described. The dorsal habitus, head and pronotum, genital structures, and other diagnostic morphological features of the two species are illustrated.


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