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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-05-04
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Phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Epipsocetae (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha)

Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-153, 04510 México, D. F. México
Psocoptera Epipsocetae phylogeny cladistic analysis


The phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Epipsocetae were inferred on the basis of 122 morphological characters of adult specimens, corroborating the monophyly of the group with ten synapomorphies. The genera are grouped in well defined clades consistent at family level. Dolabellopsocidae, Ptiloneuridae and Epipsocidae are recognized as monophyletic families. In each family, the genera appear as monophyletic units, except in Epipsocidae, where the relationships are ambiguous and monophyly of most genera is not supported. Results indicate that Cladiopsocidae is paraphyletic; it was divided into two monophyletic families: Spurostigmatidae and Cladiopsocidae (sensu stricto), represented by the genera Spurostigma and Cladiopsocus respectively. Neurostigma is recognized as a monophyletic genus closely related to other epipsocid genera, nevertheless due to the low resolution obtained within Epipsocidae, it is not possible to decide if it is a genus of that family or if it forms a different clade at family level. The genera Parepipsocus Badonnel, previously considered as incertae sedis, and Dimidistriata Li & Mockford, previously placed tentatively in Dolabellopsocidae, are included in Epipsocidae. Loneuroides, Terryerwinia and Timnewia are recognized as valid genera. Two well defined clades are recognized within E pipsocidae, one with exclusively American genera, and the other that includes Asiatic and American genera.


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