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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-05-15
Page range: 63–68
Abstract views: 118
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The new sauropod from Spain: Galveosaurus or Galvesaurus?

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, U.K.
Reptilia Sauropoda Galveosaurus herreroi Galve Spain


On August 11 th , 2005 I published a paper in which I described a new genus and species of sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Galve, Spain: Galveosaurus herreroi. Unfortunately, four months later, a second paper based on the same dinosaur remains was published by different authors. In this second paper, the authors gave the specimens a similar binomial name to the name I gave (with a difference of one letter, an “o”): Galvesaurus herreroi. In that paper, available on-line in pdf format from January 2006, the authors not only ignored my work, but they included a publication date: 1st July, 2005. Nevertheless, the article is included in the issue 15 th of July-December, as could be read in every page of that work. The issue was published on 18 th December 2005, but according to the ICZN code (articles 21 and 23), the date of publication of the Barco et al. (2005) paper should be considered as December 31 st , 2005 and based on the Principle of Priority, the name Galveosaurus herreroi Sánchez-Hernández, 2005 has priority and Galvesaurus herreroi Barco, Canudo, Cuenca-Bescós and Ruíz-Omeñaca, 2005 should be considered as a junior synonym of the former and therefore, an invalid name.


  1. Barco, J.L., Canudo, J.L., Cuenca-Bescós, G. & Ruíz-Omeñaca, J.I. (2005) Un nuevo dinosaurio saurópodo, Galvesaurus herreroi gen. nov., sp-nov., del tránsito Jurásico-Cretácico en Galve (Teruel, NE de España). Naturaleza Aragonesa, 15, 4–17.

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