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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-08-03
Page range: 1–42
Abstract views: 83
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North American species of Diamphidaxona (Acari: Hydrachnida: Hygrobatidae)

Systematic Acarology, Canadian National Collection of Insects and Arachnids, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6
7836 North Invergordon Place, Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253, U.S.A.
Acari water mites stream fauna hyporheic zone


Members of the genus Diamphidaxona Cook, 1963 are found from southeastern Canada to Argentina, with greatest diversity of species and species groups in the southwestern United States and Mexico. In this paper the three species of Diamphidaxona previously known from North America, D. pallida Cook, D. dolichosoma Cook and D. imamurai Cook, are redescribed. Eleven new species, including D. arizonica sp. nov., D. brevitarsa sp. nov., D. californica sp. nov., D. cavecreekensis sp. nov., D. chihuahua sp. nov., D. chiricahua sp. nov., D. cramerae sp. nov., D. neomexicana sp. nov., D. parvacetabula sp. nov., D. platysoma sp. nov. and D. sabinalensis sp. nov., are also described. North American species are allocated to two subgenera, the nominate subgenus and Diamphidaxonella subgen. nov., for which diagnoses are provided. New distributional data and a key for all North American species are presented.


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