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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-08-17
Page range: 17–27
Abstract views: 91
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Transkalliapseudes spinulata, new genus, new species (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae) from the northwest Australian shelf

Department of Coastal Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Campus, Ocean Springs, MS 39566-7000
Department of Coastal Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Campus, Ocean Springs, MS 39566-7000.
Crustacea Tanaidacea new genus Transkalliapseudes spinulata Australia


A new kalliapseudid genus, Transkalliapseudes is erected to receive T. spinulata, n. sp. The description of the new genus and species are based on two males collected at depths of 44–82 m from the Northwest Continental Shelf of Australia. Transkalliapseudes n. gen. shares most features (setation of uniarticulate mandibular palp, cheliped, and dactylus of pereopod I) with those of the subfamily Kalliapseudinae; however, the dactylus on pereopods IV–VI are similar to those found in the subfamily Hemikalliapseudinae, as well as, some species of Kalliapseudes. The presence of numerous granular-like spinules on appendages of T. spinulata appears to be a unique character. A key and table for the separation of the genera within the subfamily Kalliapseudinae is presented.


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